THOMAS PAINE By: Blaise Newton RM. 319
INTRODUCTION Thomas was an important man that played a part in the revolutionary war. He was important because he wrote common sense.
EARLY LIFE Thomas was born on January 29, He was born in Thetford, England. When Thomas was 12 he failed out of school. When Thomas turned the age 13 he started working for his father as a stay maker. A couple of years later he had a job as an officer of the excise. He just caught bad people with bad stuff like drugs and alcohol.
HOW HE GOT FAMOUS Thomas got famous by writing the one and only and popular common sense. And he wrote many other famous things
ADULT HOOD Thomas was a patriot and in 1776 he was the owner of COMMON sense he wrote it in a pamphlet saying why the British were bad. Thomas was the brother of Elizabeth Paine and the father of an unknown daughter. Also Mr. Paine had two wives named Mary (Lambert) Paine and Elizabeth (Olive) Paine. He was the son of Josheph Paine. Thomas died June 8, He was buried in New York City. He lived to be 72 years old.
FUN FACTS Thomas moved to Philadelphia so he could help edit the Pennsylvania magazine. Thomas played a really big part in the revolutionary war he was the one that made the British mad by writing common sense.