©Малышева Галина Дмитриевна преподаватель: английского языка. Гимназия 56, 2007 г.
Цели и задачи: 1. 1.Приобретение знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка, о праздниках в Англии Воспитание уважения к культуре и традициям других стран. Обоснование: Данный урок является в системе уроков 1 по теме “Holidays”.
There are only eight public holidays a year. They are :New year Holiday,Good Friday, Easter, May Day Holiday,Spring Bank Holiday Christmas Day, Boxing Day. The exact date of some holidays varies each year. Scotland & Northern Ireland have some different national holidays. But there are many more unofficial holidays, with which different customs & traditions are connected. For most British families Christmas Day is the most important festival of the year. On the Sunday before Christmas Day many churches hold a carol service hymns are sung. Most families decorate their houses with brightly –colored paper or holly, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the room, g littering with colored lights & decoration.
D’you know symbols of Christmas? turkey New year tree Candy Can poinsettia holly sock mistletoe
рфрф Halloween means “holly evening” & takes place on 3 1 st October. It is connected with witches & ghost. At parties people dress up in strange costums, they cut horrible faces in pumpkins & put a candle inside. In recent years children dressed in white sheet s. What holiday do they like to celebrate?
DID YOU KNOW: Did you know that the original Jack-O-Lanterns where actually Turnips used by the Irish, but once the immigrants came to America they found more Pumpkins then Turnips so they hollowed out them instead of Turnips and have used Pumpkins since. Did you know that White Cats in England are considered unlucky verse the Black Cat which is considered unlucky in the United States and Europe Did you know that a past tradition for finding a Husband would involve a a girl puts a sprig of rosemary and a silver sixpence under her pillow on Halloween night and then she will see her future husband in a dream. Did you know that it is believed that If you see a spider on Halloween night, it could be the spirit of a dead loved one who is watching you.
Hoppy Bunny (by S. O. Higgins) Hop, hop hop to the left. Hop, hop to the right. EASTER bunny hide your eggs, Then hop, hop out of sight.
Order! Directions: write these special days in the correct order.The first one has been done for you. 1. New year’s Eve,Washington’s Birthday, Fourth of July, Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, Father’s Day,April Fool’s Day, New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Columbus Day, Labor Day,Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Lincoln’s Birthday.