Christmas or the Birth of Jesus is a Christian holiday celebrated on 25 December each year.It is part of the 12 royal celebrations.Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Christmas became a secular holiday. Son of God descendedon earth trought the Virgin Mary.The Birth of Jesus occurred in the town of Bethleem in Judea during king Herod and the roman emperor Octavian Augustus.
The Birth was accompanied by many miracles, one of them is a star guiding the shepherds to the manger where the baby was born.The joy of God`s coming to earth is expected by Christians throught 40 days of fasting.
SSanta Claus is a newer version of Saint Nicholas who appeared in the First century.He divides all childred gifts on Christmas night.In fact the tradition of Christmas gifts on the night comes from Martin Luther that in propagated the tradition of “Christkind” in 1535 as an alternative to the common tradition of “Nikolaustag” on December 6. Martin Luther`s aim was to arouse children`s interest to Ortodox traditions and to depart them from the Catholic traditions. TThe celebration is announced by the childrens who walk on the streets singing carols.
CChristmas is for everyone in Europe time spent in the family, parties, gifts, happiness only varying by country traditions and historyof every nation. OOn Christmas we prepare specific dishes: cabbage rolls and cakes.Family members decorate the tree. On the night of December 24 we make a group and go to caroling from house to house. TTowards midnight we look forward to Santa Claus. TThe next day we wake up looking forward to see what Santa brought us.Under the three is full of toys, sweets and clothes.