How Americans Celebrate Christmas Survey of 2,110 Adult Americans
2 Methodology A sampling of an online panel, which is representative of the adult population of the U.S., was invited to participate. The survey was administered between November 29 and December 1, With a total of 2,110 responses, the sample provides 95% confidence that the total sampling error does not exceed +2.2%. Slight weights were added to region, party, age, race religion, gender, and education to more accurately reflect the population.
3 Do you personally celebrate Christmas? Q. 1: “Do you personally celebrate Christmas?”
4 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
5 Things your household typically does at Christmas time CONTINUED Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
6 Things your household typically does at Christmas time CONTINUED Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
7 “Christmas is primarily a day for religious celebration and observance.” Q. 3 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
8 “Most of the Christmas music I hear has nothing to do with Jesus.” Q. 4 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
9 “Family traditions are the most important part of Christmas to me.” Q. 5 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
10 “Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ.” Q. 6 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
11 “I believe Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.” Q. 7 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
12 “Many of the things I enjoy during the Christmas season have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q. 8 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
13 “It is hard to find ways to actually celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q. 9 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
14 Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present? Q. 10: “Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present?”
15 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Respondents’ open ended responses were categorized in one or more of the following categories. Percentages are of the 2,100 respondents who answered this question.
16 The Christmas season is a time to… CONTINUED Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Respondents’ open ended responses were categorized in one or more of the following categories. Percentages are of the 2,100 respondents who answered this question.
17 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Sample responses in the “Be with Friends or Family” category “Visit friends and family, eat decadent food, get some rest.” “Celebrate the Birth of Christ by bringing family and friends together.” “Reunite the family and enjoy time together.” “Spend time with the family and friends, be thankful and enjoy life.” “Enjoy time with my friends.” “Celebrate family and friends; enjoy the aesthetic aspect of the holidays; repair personal relationships.” “Thank the Lord, see family and enjoy the gifts we have.” “Reconnect with family and friends, via cards, parties, gift giving and generally, through celebration.”
18 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Sample responses in the “Jesus Christ/ Savior/ God” category “Celebrate and reflect on the wondrous joy that the God of all creation took on human flesh and became a man for our salvation.” “Celebrate Christ's birth, be with loved ones, and take care of those that are less fortunate.” “Reflect on the good things in life, spend time with friends and family and celebrate the birth of Christ.” “Help people in need, share the love of Christ, and share who Christ is.” “Praise God and be thankful for the birth of our Savior by spending time with family.” “Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.”
19 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Sample responses in the “Celebrate/ Joy” category “Celebrate the arrival of the Christ child.” “Celebrate the birth of Messiah, gather with friends and family, and remember and help those less fortunate.” “Remember the reason that we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Savior.” “Relax & celebrate the season with family & friends.” “Celebrate family and friends and to dwell more on home life than the workplace.” “Give joy for the birth of Christ.” “Reflect upon and celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus, the Christ.” “Continue to glorify our Lord by celebrating His birth.”
20 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Sample responses in the “Give/ Share/ Help/ Charity” category “Give thanks and take care of those less fortunate while enjoying your family more than ever.” “Be thankful for [what] we have and remember those less fortunate through prayers and gifts.” “Give gifts and eat.” “Pray. give thanks, enjoy our families and try to help and share with those who need our help.” “Count your blessings, help those that need help, reflect on the life of Jesus.” “Help people in need, share the love of Christ, and share who Christ is.” “Give gifts and joy to those you love and care about.” “Give to people in need.
21 The Christmas season is a time to … Q. 11 “In your own words, finish the following sentence: ‘The Christmas season is a time to …’” Sample responses in the “Reflect” category “Reflect on the past year, share with family and friends and enjoy all the sights and sounds of the season.” “Reflect upon life.” “Draw near to family and friends through gift giving, and reflecting on the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.” “Celebrate our relationships with family and friends and reflect the love that is the basis of the Christian faith.” “Go into debt, get drunk and reflect on the year behind and ahead.” “Reflect on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.” “Get together with family and friends and reflect on the meaning of Christmas.”
Differences by faith
23 Do you personally celebrate Christmas? “Yes” Q. 1: “Do you personally celebrate Christmas?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 97% indicate they personally celebrate Christmas, compared to 75% among households in which the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
24 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Use an advent calendar Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 26% indicate they use an advent calendar, compared to 9% among households in which the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
25 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch fictional Christmas movies Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 66% indicate they watch fictional Christmas movies, compared to 47% among households in which the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
26 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch biblical Christmas movies Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 43% indicate they watch biblical Christmas movies, compared to 9% among households in which the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
27 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Gather for a Christmas meal with family or friends Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 92% indicate they gather for a Christmas meal with family or friends, versus 72% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
28 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Santa Claus Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 42% indicate they encourage belief in Santa Claus, versus 26% of households in which the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
29 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Jesus Christ as Savior Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 73% indicate they encourage belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, versus 13% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
30 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Put up a Christmas tree Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 86% indicate they put up a Christmas tree, versus 64% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
31 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to family members Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 94% indicate they give Christmas gifts to family members, versus 74% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
32 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to people you know through work Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 48% indicate they give Christmas gifts to people they know through work, vs. 32% of households where the respondent or spouse is non-Christian.
33 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Read or tell the Christmas story from the Bible Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 35% indicate they read/tell the Christmas story from the Bible, versus 9% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
34 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Attend special church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 59% indicate they attend special church services on Christmas Eve/ Day, vs. 14% of households where the respondent or spouse is non-Christian.
35 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Send Christmas cards Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 76% indicate they send Christmas cards, versus 52% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
36 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Listen to Christmas music Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 87% indicate they listen to Christmas music, versus 59% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
37 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Decorate your home Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 84% indicate they decorate their home, versus 58% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
38 Things your household typically does at Christmas time None of the above Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 3% typically do none of the 14 items asked at Christmas time, versus 9% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
39 “Christmas is primarily a day for religious celebration and observance.” Q. 3 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 49% strongly agree with this statement, versus 18% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
40 “Most of the Christmas music I hear has nothing to do with Jesus.” Q. 4 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 19% strongly agree with this statement, versus 34% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
41 “Family traditions are the most important part of Christmas to me.” Q. 5 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Catholics are more likely to strongly agree than Protestants, but there are no significant differences among Christians, Other Religions, Atheists, and Agnostics/No Preferences.
42 “Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ.” Q. 6 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 74% strongly agree with this statement, versus 15% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
43 “I believe Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.” Q. 7 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 76% strongly agree with this statement, versus 22% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
44 “Many of the things I enjoy during the Christmas season have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q.8 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 61% agree (18% strongly) with this statement, versus 86% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian (65% strongly).
45 “It is hard to find ways to actually celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q. 9 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 45% strongly disagree with this statement, versus 25% of households where the respondent or spouse is not a Christian.
46 Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present? Q. 10: “Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present?” Among respondents who are Christian and whose spouse, if applicable, is a Christian 42% think Christmas celebrations are more religious (11% much more), vs. 18% of households where the respondent or spouse is non-Christian.
Differences by demographic characteristics
48 Q. 1: “Do you personally celebrate Christmas?” Do you personally celebrate Christmas? “Yes”
49 Q. 1: “Do you personally celebrate Christmas?” Do you personally celebrate Christmas? “Yes”
50 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Use an advent calendar Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
51 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Use an advent calendar Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
52 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch fictional Christmas movies Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
53 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch fictional Christmas movies Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
54 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch biblical Christmas movies Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
55 Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?” Things your household typically does at Christmas time Watch biblical Christmas movies
56 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Gather for a Christmas meal with family or friends Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
57 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Santa Claus Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
58 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Santa Claus Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
59 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Jesus Christ as Savior Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
60 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Encourage belief in Jesus Christ as Savior Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
61 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Put up a Christmas tree Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
62 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to family members Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
63 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to family members Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
64 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to people you know through work Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
65 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Give Christmas gifts to people you know through work Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
66 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Read or tell the Christmas story from the Bible Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
67 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Read or tell the Christmas story from the Bible Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
68 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Attend special church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
69 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Send Christmas cards Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
70 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Send Christmas cards Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
71 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Listen to Christmas music Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
72 Things your household typically does at Christmas time Decorate your home Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
73 Things your household typically does at Christmas time None of the above Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
74 Things your household typically does at Christmas time None of the above Q. 2: “Which, if any, of the following does your household typically do at Christmas time?”
75 “Christmas is primarily a day for religious celebration and observance.” Q. 3 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
76 “Christmas is primarily a day for religious celebration and observance.” Q. 3 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
77 “Most of the Christmas music I hear has nothing to do with Jesus.” Q. 4 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
78 “Most of the Christmas music I hear has nothing to do with Jesus.” Q. 4 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
79 “Family traditions are the most important part of Christmas to me.” Q. 5 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
80 “Family traditions are the most important part of Christmas to me.” Q. 5 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
81 “Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ.” Q. 6 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
82 “Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ.” Q. 6 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
83 “I believe Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.” Q. 7 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
84 “I believe Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.” Q. 7 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
85 “Many of the things I enjoy during the Christmas season have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q.8 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
86 “Many of the things I enjoy during the Christmas season have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q.8 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
87 “It is hard to find ways to actually celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.” Q. 9 “For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement. If you do not celebrate the holiday, please answer in general.”
88 Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present? Q. 10: “Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present?”
89 Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present? Q. 10: “Do you think Christmas celebrations become more or less religious when children are present?”
How Americans Celebrate Christmas Survey of 2,110 Adult Americans