 Should be interactive  Strengthen nutrition education message  Provides an opportunity to check progress on goals  Provides positive support  Identifies.


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Presentation transcript:

 Should be interactive  Strengthen nutrition education message  Provides an opportunity to check progress on goals  Provides positive support  Identifies barriers

 Can be incorporated into: › A subsequent certification appointment › A scheduled secondary nutrition education appointment › A separate activity (check pick up, telephone call, etc)  Should not replace another nutrition education contact but is part of the process of nutrition education

 Follow-up provides transition from: › The certification visit › The second nutrition education contact › The next certification visit

 Use open-ended questions and statements: › “I see you attended the class on using more whole grains. How have you done on implementing your goal of using more whole grain cereals?” › “So tell me how breastfeeding is going?” › When we last met, you said that you wanted to wean Johnny from the bottle. How did that go?”

 Client attends low risk nutrition education › Identifies information learned › Sets goal for behavior change related to topic › Staff document new information in KWIC  At next certification visit › client is asked about progress toward goal(s) › Document progress in KWIC › Assist client to set/revise goals as needed

 Breastfeeding peer counselor/WIC staff contact client by phone › Discuss concerns and set possible actions to overcome barriers to breastfeeding › Set date for next follow-up call  Staff contact client again by phone: › Determine how breastfeeding is going › Assess progress toward goals › Work with client to set new goals or actions › Document all contacts in KWIC record

 Effective Nutrition Education and support of clients continues in a cycle throughout the client’s WIC experience

Process of Delivering Effective Nutrition Education

 Client comes to clinic for certification visit › Clinic is family and breastfeeding friendly › Nutrition/breastfeeding posters visible › Clinic staff greet client by name › Staff complete nutrition assessment using open-ended questions

 Staff use critical thinking to prioritize topics to cover  Determines client concerns and interests  Identifies any needed anticipatory guidance  Determine method to share information

 Discuss selected information with client  Interact with client  Guide client to set behavior change goals  Develop a plan for next visit  Provide written materials as needed

 At next nutrition education visit: › Meet individually with RD if high risk › Participate in low risk nutrition education if not high risk  Provide low risk nutrition education using chosen method  Guide client to set behavior change goals based upon the topics shared

 Follow up on goals set at next visit  Identify and praise progress made  Determine if client needs additional support to reach goals  Revise or add new goals as needed  Document in KWIC