The MDGs and School Enrolment: An example of administrative data Module B1, Session 9
Objectives From this session students will be able to: Give examples of the collection of administrative data Identify the difference between a census and a sample Find a statement of the MDGs and specify the goal for education Give objectives of the schools census in relation to the MDGs and the needs of the country
Activities Activity 1: This presentation Activity 2: Activity 3 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) particularly the goals on education The education census in Swaziland A census of all schools For administrative and statistical purposes Activity 3 Discussion Primary education here What do you do? Is information easily available Are you meeting the MDGs on education?
Note both the goals and the statistical presentations Activity 2: MDGs Note both the goals and the statistical presentations
Primary education Net enrolment ratio (NER) is one of the indicators What are other goals, and other indicators?
More on education than one indicator
Activity 2: MDGs - Indicators What is an indicator? Examples Indicator 6
Activity 2: MDGs – Indicator problems Possibly a slide to say ONLY an indicator i.e. just an indication nothing more to study a problem in detail you often need more as we see later
An education census Forms sent to all schools in the country before the 31st March of 2005 to be completed on the last school day of March The head teachers completes the staffing forms, teachers qualification, sex, experience, etc Each class teacher completes the class register slips. name of pupil, age, whether a re-starter etc.
An education census Response: All 754 schools were sent the forms to complete and sent back to the office. After some initial non-response, a follow-up was made all schools in the country submitted their returns, bringing the response rate to 100% This was therefore a complete census Useful for administration by Ministry of Education And for statistical purposes by Dept of Statistics
A census What is a census compared to a sample survey Why is this a census? What is this a census of? Schools mainly – the whole population of schools Therefore also a census of teachers And a census of school pupils It is complete – not a sample But need to be precise on what is complete In particular it is all school children NOT all children
Administrative data More than a census Also for Educational records Part of the routine administration Get this in many fields health workers, clinics extension officers in agriculture etc
Practical work Work in groups of 4 Work in pairs within these groups Each pair looks further at one topic Either the MDGs Or the education census You have about 30 minutes To prepare a presentation for the other pair Then 10 minutes for each presentation Plus 5 minutes for each to collect key points When we resume We start with your key points
After the practical – Key points They can be divided into categories for example: statistical or substance MDGs or education, or both
Indicators from Swaziland study
Calculating the NER for primary education Fom the Table on page iv of the report Indicator 6 in MDGs 100*184449/218837= 84.3
In each country Three aspects Also for indicators What are the figures – how is the country doing? What is the routine to collect the data – the equivalent of the census in Swaziland What is available and how easily Also for indicators What definitions are used Are those definitions available? Are they on local web sites or is there a link to international sites with the information
How might this information be used? Monitoring internationally could supply the figures for international use and comparison Monitoring within the country Need to get to a greater level of detail To make a change
What else is needed? This is a census the WHOLE population every school every teacher every school child And in Swaziland the primary NER = 84% It needs to get to 100% What about the 16%? They do not go to school Why not? Does this census give any information about the 16%? If not, then what could be used instead?
A welfare survey? To ask why children are taken out of school And possibly how to change this For example in Kenya Survey explores the reasons children are not at school See the next slide This indicates ways that the work From different activities in a statistical office is interconnected
Example from poverty survey - Kenya
Objectives of this session Can you now? Give examples of the collection of administrative data Identify the difference between a census and a sample Find a statement of the MDGs and specify the goal for education Give objectives of the schools census in relation to the MDGs and the needs of the country