What type of transfer is best? Gerald Nyasulu Concern Universal
Three types of transfer: Cash Vouchers In-kind (goods package + maize flour) We recommend: Cash & in-kind (maize flour only) We do not recommend: Vouchers ….. Why?
We will compare the transfers in terms of: Well-being of beneficiaries Did the transfers reduce hunger? Did the transfers reduce unmet needs? Logistics of different transfers Comparative costs Criteria for comparison of transfers
Did the transfers reduce hunger? Improvement in meals eaten by beneficiaries
Average number of times beneficiary ate nsima yesterday CashVoucherIn-kind BL NovFebApr FIBL NovFebApr FIBL NovFebApr FI 1
CashVoucherIn-kind BL NovFebApr FIBL NovFebApr FIBL NovFebApr FI Average number of times beneficiary ate meat, chicken or fish last week 1
Meeting other basic needs In-kind transfers reduced unmet need for items included in pack of goods e.g. blankets, metal cooking pots Cash and vouchers more effective in reducing unmet needs for other items e.g. clothes (not included in pack) Cash did better than vouchers
Reduction in unmet need for blankets by type of transfer Cash Voucher In-kind
Reduction in unmet need for clothing by type of transfer In-kind Cash Voucher
Reduction in unmet need for soap by type of transfer In-kind Voucher Cash
Logistics and cost Cash Vouchers Coordinating retailers Printing Commissions Reconciliation In-kind Liaison with suppliers Proportion of total cost that reaches beneficiaries Cash: 62% In-kind: 61% Vouchers: 56%
Recommendation Combination of: In-kind (maize flour only) Meets basic food needs Cash Provides other items – animal protein, basic needs goods such as soap, clothing, blankets Avoid vouchers – like cash, but less efficient!