Individual Assignment: Instructional Plan & Presentation BY: KELLEY CURE-ANDERSON CUR/516 MARY POE APRIL 13, 2015
Introduction Course Description Organizational Need Audience Analysis Course Details Instructional Strategies and Technology Used Course Goals and Objectives Building Awareness Success Indicators Timeline Closing
Course Title/Description Course Title: Direct Hire Program Course Description: This course “Direct Hire Program” is designed for students with little or no experience with the Randstad direct hire process. It provides students with three major areas of expertise in direct hire for their roles as managers and directors. The three areas of focus are how to find candidates, how to approach the client and how to close the deal. Students will participate in instruction with their peers and leaders, role- play and practice in sessions. Students will leave the course with a better understanding of the direct hire process and they will have the tools they need to be successful at their location.
Organizational Need The organization charges a fee for direct hire, this is instant revenue for the organization When the client directly hires a candidate the client assumes all risk with the candidate, this equals significant savings for Randstad. At the present time site managers and coordinators do not have confidence in direct hire, the organization needs them in order to make and the exceed direct hire goals When the site manager and coordinators close the deal on direct hire with their candidate they and the organization gain creditability with their client
Audience Analysis Demographics: -Student’s occupations? Site Managers, Site Coordinators, Branch Managers, Partnership Directors, and Area Vice President. -What is the culture of the students? All students will work directly with customers on-site at least 25% of the time. -What will the instructor’s role be? Instructor will be a superior to some of the students and a peer to others. Disposition: -What will the students expect? They will want tools to feel more confident in the direct hire process, especially talking to their clients. -What will the students attitudes be? They will have low enthusiasm, they feel their client will not want to pay the fees that are associated with direct hire. They will have low participation in the WebEx/phone environment and they will be reluctant to role-play. -What will the concerns of the students be? They don’t currently have candidates in their pool to fill the clients possible positions, the client will also push back on the process and their client is not looking to hire. -What will be the student’s motivation? More money in their pockets, they will make money if they are successful with the direct hire process. Knowledge of the Topic: -How much will the students know? They will know little to nothing, Randstad has not pushed or talked much about direct hire in the past. -What can this training offer? A process, tools and they get the opportunity to hone in on their skills and ask questions. -What questions will the students have? How do they make money? What if their client says no? What is their client is not hiring? What if they do not have any candidates to present to their client?
Course Details Delivery/Modality of Course Students will attend a WebEx, they will use their individual computers and will be required to use a phone and their WebCam Length of course: 8 weeks, classes will be 2x weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays for 30 minutes each Number of students in class: 10 students and 1 participant per student, participant is a leader for each student. Process for selection of participants: Students are selected by the Regional Vice President Must be successful in their role currently Must have been with the organization at least 6 months
Instructional Strategies and Technology Used Instructional Strategies that will be used Group discussions Lectures, PowerPoint, reading material/documents Role-play and practice scenarios Instructional Technologies that will be used PowerPoint Presentations Word Documents PDF Documents Webcam Role-play scenarios and to participate in class discussions/lectures
Course Goals
Course Objectives Objective #1 -Given hiring criteria, the students from the direct hire class should be able to follow the steps provided in the document labeled, “Steps to mining for candidates” and then present candidates to the class with no more than two errors. Objective #2 -Given the first role-playing scenario, the students from the direct hire class should be able to successfully complete a full role-play live in class using the following document, “Why it is Important to follow-up with your Client and Candidate, and the Questions to Ask,” they should be able to successfully role-play in class with no more than 4 errors. Objective #3 -Given the second role-playing scenario. The students from the direct hire class should be able to successfully complete a role-play with their leader live in the class, using the following documents: “How to Ask for Client Feedback on Desired Candidates Traits,” “Candidate Presentation Process and Follow-up” and “Why it is Important to follow-up with your Client and Candidate, and the Questions to Ask,” they should be able to complete the role-play by successfully convincing their leader to hire the candidate with 2 or less errors. Objective #4 -Given the document, “What to Expect after the Class” the students form the direct hire class should be able to set goals for their site location with approval from their leader with no errors.
Who will Attend the Course? Site Managers (Student) Site Coordinators (Student) Staffing Consultant (Student) Branch Managers (Participant) Partnership Directors (Participant) Area Vice President (Participant) Regional Vice President (Participant)
Documents used and provided PowerPoint presentation deck each Monday session to go over material and documents listed below Program outline, goals and objectives PDF document Steps to Mining for Candidates PDF document How to Ask for Client Feedback on Desired Candidates Traits PDF document Candidate Presentation Process and Follow-up PDF document Why it is Important to follow-up with your Client and Candidate, and the Questions to Ask PDF document Role-play Scenarios Word Document What to Expect after the Class Word document FAQ PDF document
How will we Build Excitement? Uploading documents and upcoming opportunities to the intranet website The organization will be setting goals for the next three years around direct hire Incentives will be added to the organizations bonus structure There will be contests for direct hire RVP will talk to selected attendees about the opportunity and what it will mean for them
Assessments used in the Course Participants will have to complete 2 successful role-plays. The participant being the Site Manager/Coordinator and one of their leaders being the customer/candidate. This will be done live in the classroom environment Participants will be required to share 1 applicant/candidate with the class, presenting the candidate as of the class is the customer Each participant must complete a survey at the end of the class
Success Indicators Students will have completed two successful role-plays live in class, this will show they have learned the material and that they are able to use the skills they’ve learned in class to then be able to go to their client and help them hire directly Students will have candidates available to submit and discuss with their client, they will have presented at least one candidate to the class Students will have each submitted a survey and then they will have given the class instruction and instructor at least an 85% or higher
Timelines May 1, 2015 the organization will start to talk about direct hire on conference calls and on the internal website May 15, 2015 participants will be made aware that they were selected for the course May 15-August 31, 2015 the organization will post bonus updates as well as host contests around direct hire Length of time of course and start date: The course will be 8 weeks long. Start date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Classes will be Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 10:00am-10:30am CST
Closing In closing, the organization and the employees will benefit greatly from hosting a course that will build more awareness, accountability and confidence around direct hire. Right now site managers and coordinators are not successfully meeting goals for direct hire, they are not confident and they are not excited about direct hire. After the course students will be more confident and excited! They will have the opportunity to build an even better relationship with their client and to put some more money in their pockets and organizations.
Reference Audience Analysis. Retrieved on March 16, 2015 from: