Have you ever been out of China for Christmas day with foreign friends? What do you know about Christmas day? santa stocking Jesus Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

Have you ever been out of China for Christmas day with foreign friends? What do you know about Christmas day? santa stocking Jesus Christ

Lin Tao has been abroad for Christmas with his friend, Jim. Let’s look at them how to decorate the Christmas tree.

Cutting down the Christmas tree at the farm. Put up the lights and Christmas balls on it Put an angel or a star at the top of the tree.

1._____ too much food is bad for your health.(eat) 2._____ (cut) down the Christmas tree is the farm is very interesting Her dream to be a doctor came____. ----I’m ____ glad to hear that.(true) 4.Their family ____ (be) to England twice. 5.Take-away food smells ____ and sells ____. (good) 6.We have to ____ (put) up the lights and Christmas balls. 7.The story sounds like ____. (fun) 8.Now come on, let’s help ____ (decorate) the tree. 9.Which ____ (run) has won the race? 10. This English-Chinese dictionary is very ____. (help)

1. 我很高兴你能来英国和我们度假. I’m so happy that you could ___ ___ England with us ___ ___ ___. 2. 圣诞节期间来这儿是一个已实现的梦. ____ ____ ____ at Christmas time is a dream that ____ ____ ____. 3. 你给我看这张照片是什么意思 ? ____ ____ you ____ ____ ____ me the photo ? 4. 树顶上有一盏圣诞灯. There is a Christmas light ____ ____ ____ ____ the tree. 5. 这位年轻人有一个骑自行车环绕地球一周的梦想. The young man has a dream ____ ____ ____ the world by bike.

6. 在吉姆和林涛装饰完圣诞树之后, 它会看上去很美丽的. The Christmas tree ____ ____ ____ after Jim and Lin Tao ____ ____ it. 7. 你能帮我把世界地图挂在墙上吗 ? Could you help me ____ ____ the map of the world ____ the wall?