Physical & Chemical Changes By: Nadya Level: 5
Introduction This week I am doing an experiment on chemicals, I will melt a candle, a camphor, and some sugar with fire. If something can be changed and can form into it self with out changing substance, it does a physical change, But if the substance change, it does a chemical change.
Objective Want to know physical and chemical changes
Hypothesis Candle is one of the physical changes. Sugar is one of the chemical changes. Camphor is one of the chemical changes.
Hypothesis A measure glass A candle A camphor 25 grams of sugar A heater A light match A scale
Procedure 1. First, put sugar in the measure glass. 2. Second, put the measure glass on the heater. 3. Third, wait until the whole sugar melts. 4. Then observe it and write it on a table. 5. Do the same for the candle and the camphor.
Result MaterialsBefore appearanceAfter appearance CandleRectangle, whiteTransparent, hard CamphorRound, pinkPink, hard SugarCristal, whiteChocolate, hard
Analysis A part of my hypothesis was wrong, I said that a camphor does a chemical change, but I was wrong because the camphor is one of the physical changes, and not the chemical changes.
Summary Now I know that a candle is one of the physical changes, the camphor is one of the physical changes, and the sugar is one of the chemical changes
Thank you for your attention I close this presentation with: assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh.