South African Sports Commission2 Introduction The concept of Provincial Academies was initiated by the former NSC and DSR. National vs. Provincial Academies. Focus on decentralisation. A tool for implementing a national plan for athletes’ development.
South African Sports Commission3 Introduction Influenced by experiences from other countries e.g. Australia, taking note of: Relatively poor performances and world rankings. Geographical distribution (location) of athletes. Demographic imbalance of national teams/ squads. Location of available infrastructures. Lack of adequate public transport. Insufficient funding.
South African Sports Commission4 Lottery funds National Lottery Distribution Board Agency grant of R1 million to each Academy Huge impact on the future operations of the Provincial Academies. SASC appointed to provide clear guidelines and to manage and monitor the project.
South African Sports Commission5 Objectives Enhance the level of performance of talented athletes and coaches and increase the rate of sports development. Create a structured performance pathway for talented athletes and coaches. Assist in changing the demographical composition of South African sports teams. Implement programmes to identify, nurture and develop sporting talent as part of a national plan. Provide quality support services to talented athletes and coaches in the Provinces.
South African Sports Commission6 Objectives Ensure a holistic approach is taken towards the development of athletes and coaches including the provision of appropriate life skills. Enhance the education of individuals and groups by means of training opportunities to coaches, administrators, and technical officials. Ensure quality coaching is provided to elite and talented athletes in the province. Overcome fragmentation and duplication in the delivery of support services.
South African Sports Commission7 Objectives Conduct applied research with a view to enhancing athlete and coach performances. Make use of sports technology to enhance athletes and coaches performances. Contribute to a national database on talented athletes. Provide access to relevant information (literature, videos and internet) on the latest trends in sports training, coaching, science, team sport analysis programmes and other related topics.
South African Sports Commission8 Objectives Provide education on banned substances in conjunction with the SA Institute for Drug Free Sport. Provide education on HIV/AIDS with particular reference to the sporting fraternity. Use international expertise for the benefit of athletes and coaches. Ensure close co-operation and implement co- operative programmes with the NFs in the delivery of the Academy’s programmes.
South African Sports Commission9 Services Standardized programs for: Talent identification & development. Coaching Performance squads Education and training Life skills programs Training camps/team preparation Sport science & sports medicine support Preparation of athletes participating in the SA and Zone VI Games
South African Sports Commission10 Satellites In principle it is accepted that satellites or regional academies (supporting the main Provincial Academy) should be functional in the Provinces in order to ensure that support services are easily accessible to athletes residing in rural areas. The establishment of the satellites should, however, be phased in and seen as the second step of establishing a sports academy network for South Africa.
South African Sports Commission11 National coordinated approach The Provincial Academies should support and become a tool for the implementation of a coordinated national plan for athletes’ and coaches development. As part of such a national performance pathway for athletes, a national categorization of athletes and coaches as well as a database on performances should be in place.
South African Sports Commission12 National coordinated approach Each NF needs to put in place a strategic plan for athlete and coach development. The SASC needs to provide assistance to put such strategic plans together. NFs which have their own academies should incorporate into their strategic plans the relationship envisaged with the provincial academies, including the services the academy should provide to the NF.
South African Sports Commission13 National coordinated approach The priority sports to receive support from the provincial academy network will be set from time to time by the SASC in consultation with SRSA & NOCSA.
South African Sports Commission14 Governance In compliance with the objectives of the SASC as stipulated in the Act (Act no 109 of 1998, Article 12), the SASC should be responsible to oversee the strategic direction and implementation of the project. The SASC should, therefore, act as the coordinating entity of the Provincial Academies.
South African Sports Commission15 Governance The SASC Board committee on high performance will take responsibility for the overall strategic direction and policy framework for the Provincial Academies.
South African Sports Commission16 Governance Responsibilities of the HP unit within the SASC: Advise the SASC Board’s committee on high performance. Measure and review the activities and achievements of the Provincial Academies. Report on all operational issues of the Provincial Academies. Exchange best practices. Submit presentations.
South African Sports Commission17 Governance Each Provincial Academy should have its own governing body that should have representatives of the following interest groups: Provincial Government. Provincial Sports Federations Host institute or centre (optional) Provincial Sports Councils (optional) Satellites or regional academies. An athlete and coach representative. Co-opt up to 2 people with specific expertise (optional) Invite people with specific expertise to attend meetings where necessary (optional). Manager of the academy (ex-officio).
South African Sports Commission18 Governance Each Provincial Academy should remunerate at least two full-time officials: Manager Admin support Staff could be seconded by the Provincial Government.
South African Sports Commission19 Line of communication Academy manager SASC coordinator
South African Sports Commission20 Legal status Voluntary Association Constitution in place Contract between Distribution Agency, SASC and Provincial Academy
South African Sports Commission21 Location Provincial Academies could be located at centres that should provide (or have the capacity to provide): Office accommodation Administrative infrastructure Scientific testing facilities (may not be on site, but should be in close proximity) Basic scientific/athlete services Assistance to regional/satellite academies (mobile academies) Close co-operation with SISA accredited institutes.
South African Sports Commission22 Structures Gauteng (Prov Dept) Eastern Cape (UPE) Western Cape (Stellenbosch) Free State (Mining facility) North West (Potch University) Northern Cape (Kimberley) Mpumalanga (Secunda) Limpopo (?) KwaZulu-Natal (?)
South African Sports Commission23 Funding Main sources of funding: Lottery funds SASC Provincial Governments Other potential sources of income: Sports Trust Private sector International donors
South African Sports Commission24 Identity Provincial Academies could maintain an element of local identity within the framework of a collaborative partnership with the SASC. There should be clear guidelines with regard to “badging” and sponsorship National logo with provincial name.
South African Sports Commission25 Strategic Concepts Decentralisation. Maximizing existing resources minimising duplication. High quality support to athletes and administrators. Coach driven and athlete centred. Networking & partnerships. Cooperation with role- players. Streamlining of responsibilities. Encourage applied research. Adequate funding. Measurable outputs. TID. Performance pathway. Life skills. Accessibility. More representative teams.