MEASUREMENT OF RURAL LABOUR FORCE IN POLAND by Witkowski Janusz CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE OF POLAND Measuring Sustainable Agriculture Indicators Cancun, 2 – 4 November, 2004
RURAL LABOUR MARKET AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THE NATIONAL LABOUR MARKET characteristic features of the present situation in the Polish labour market importance of the rural labour market
DESIRABLE SCOPE OF ANALYSIS OF THE RURAL LABOUR MARKET size of the labour supply structural features of the active population: sex and age professional and qualification characteristics territorial diversification demand for the labour in rural areas number of the offered vacancies (jobs) jobs in agriculture and outside agriculture desirable qualifications for the offered jobs
POPULATION CENSUSES AS A FUNDAMENTAL SOURCE OF DATA ON RURAL LABOUR MARKET opportunity to distinguish 3 categories of population: the employed, unemployed and inactive details of demographic, professional and social characteristic features of the employed and unemployed detailed data on the population working in private farms official and hidden unemployment spatial approach in any cross-section
Specification Agricultural population Non-agrarian population EconomicactivityrateEmploymentrate Unemploy- ment rateEconomicactivity rate rate Employment rate Unemploy- ment rate TOTAL60,952,813,449,634,331,0 Men Men67,858,913,157,941,528,3 Women Women53,946,513,742,127,634,4 Age Pre-working Pre-working10,39,76,42,81,933,9 Working Working76,065,114,468,747,331,1 Mobile Mobile80,766,118,177,352,232,5 Non-mobile Non-mobile67,163,15,949,336,326,4 Post-working Post-working20,320,20,31,61,57,3
Specification Agricultural population Non-agrarian population EconomocactivityrateEmploymentrate Unemploy- ment rateEconomicactivityrateEmploymentrate rate Education Tertiary87,380,47,884,779,46,2 Post-secondary81,771,312,775,662,617,2 Sec. vacational 79,968,514,273,756,623,2 Secondary general 62,650,619,156,540,528,2 Basic vocational 79,166,915,471,947,434,1 Complete primary 40,736,410,423,511,849,7 Incomplete primary and without school education18,217,53,72,61,158,0
In rural areas we observe considerable separate features in the situation of agricultural and non-agrarian population in the labour market. This first group is characterized by a higher level of economic activity, mainly because of a higher involvement of post-working age and working non-mobile age population in work process and population with at least primary education (higher employment levels). On the other hand, non-agrarian population is characterized by a high unemployment level, considerably higher than that of the agricultural population, but also considerably higher than that of the urban population. Situation of the non-agrarian population in the labour market is, therefore, particularly difficult but the youth and population with low education levels are in the most difficult situation.
PROBLEM OF MEASURING THE NUMBER OF THE EMPLOYED AND UNEMPLOYED IN PRIVATE FARMS present number of the employed changes in the years factors determining the changes (real or statistical situation) hidden unemployment in agriculture
THE NEED FOR CURRENT MONITORING OF THE RURAL LABOUR MARKET LFS – basic source of data on the rural labour market ? opportunity to separate the agricultural and non-agrarian population 3 categories of population distinguished according to the same methodology opportunity for a wide analysis of the demographic and occupational structure of population quarterly frequency of data since 1992 limited opportunities for the spatial analysis other data sources: current employment statistics (persons employed outside agriculture) Farm Structure Survey – for the employed in agriculture Unemployment registered for the limited number of the rural population
THE NEED FOR THE EXTENSION OF ASSESSMENTS WITH THE USE OF SEVERAL DATA SOURCES integration of data from population censuses with LFS and FSS wider use of small area statistics
Thank you very much for your kind attention!