Litsa Kountouridou 02.12.13 National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Supporting Cypriot Participation in Horizon 2020 The Role of National.


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Presentation transcript:

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Supporting Cypriot Participation in Horizon 2020 The Role of National Contact Points (NCPs) in Cyprus Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Presentation Outline  The Role of the Research Promotion Foundation  NCP Services at the National Level  NCP Services at the EU Level  Other Useful Information

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of the Research Promotion Foundation  Coordinating the activities concerning the participation of Cyprus in Horizon 2020  Hosting the NCP Network for Cyprus and coordinating Cypriot representation in the Programme Committees  Collecting and processing data regarding Cypriot participation

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of NCPs at the National Level What?  Disseminating Information  Organising Infodays, Training and other Seminars How?  Through mailing lists for specific areas, H2020 Blog and FB Website, direct communication  General Infodays and Infodays on specific Calls, Customised Training Seminars for newcomers/experienced proposers/multipliers

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of NCPs at the National Level What?  Assisting proposers with preparing proposals  Assisting with partner search How?  Resolving queries, Pre- screening of Proposals  Customised Partner Search Forms, Organisation of Brokerage Events in Cyprus, Promoting important Brokerage Events abroad

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of NCPs at the National Level What?  Customised support / advice How?  Assistance based on proposers’ needs (IPR Issues, Consortium Agreements, Grant Agreements, Project Management etc.)  Presentations for different groups at Organisations by one or more NCPs upon request

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of NCPs at the EU Level Participation in Thematic NCP Networks: Ideal-ist 2014 – the ICT NCP Network  A unique Quality Labelled Partner Search Tool  An international Quality Team to support proposers  Organisation of international Brokerage Events

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus The Role of NCPs at the EU Level Ideal-ist 2014 Partner Search Tool Step 1 Register and insert Partner Search (PS) Step 2 PS is checked by local representative & a Quality team Step 3 PS is published & distributed to NCP’ newsletters subscribers Step 4 Expressions of interest are sent & choice of partners is done

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Other Information - 1  Direct Helpline for Horizon 2020:  Help Desk Address:

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Other Information - 2  Social Media:  Participation in specific Brokerage Events is funded by the RPF through the Action “Participation in International Conferences” (

Litsa Kountouridou National Contact Point for ICT/FET University of Cyprus Litsa Kountouridou Tel: Thank you for your attention..!