Wisconsin is Open for Business Wisconsin Workforce Strategy: Advancing Synergies with the Wisconsin Association of Staffing Services Manny Perez Secretary Department of Workforce Development April 7, 2011
Wisconsin is Open for Business DWD Mission Advancing Wisconsin’s economy through a leading workforce development system that attracts, creates, and retains jobs, and empowers individuals to become self- sufficient. DWD Vision To be the leading workforce development agency of its kind in the nation.
Wisconsin is Open for Business Among many other differences: Business-friendly climate being advanced by Gov. Walker (tax incentives & regulatory framework) High work ethic: Labor force participation higher than U.S. average Worker’s Compensation program increases profitability of companies WI 5 th lowest average cost per-case in nation WI lowest WC premiums in the Midwest Nationally recognized return to work program Strong workplace safety culture WI average modification rate below 1.0, meaning discounted premiums, on average, for experience rated employers What sets us above other states?
Wisconsin is Open for Business Wisconsin February Jobs Data Private sector adding jobs; manufacturing up over 8,000 in 2011 Labor demand increasing Over 27,600 Job Postings on JCW Motivate people to work March signals start of hiring season 2.81M 2.74M 2.68M 2.66M
Wisconsin is Open for Business DWD Overview
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Administrative Services Allison Rozek, Administrator Division Responsibilities Human Resources Financial Management Information Technology General Services Mission. ensure: Responsive, efficient, high quality administrative support services Wide integrated management systems to achieve strategic goals Oversight, integrity of fiscal & personnel transactions, programs & services Vision, provide: Best management systems in state government, meeting Secretary’s expectations, and empowering people to achieve strategic goals Quality services in a timely manner Leadership in using information technology to achieve strategic goals
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Employment & Training Jane Pawasarat, Administrator Division Responsibilities Apprenticeship Standards Workforce Training Job Service Office of Veterans Services Mission, ensure: Seamless continuum of services to employers, workers, job seekers Skilled workforce for employers Job / career opportunities for workers Vision, provide: Leading employment & training system that empowers individuals to succeed in the workplace and enables employers to expand and prosper
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Charlene Dwyer, Administrator Division Responsibilities Employment services and counseling to people with disabilities Training and technical assistance to employers hiring consumers Mission: Obtain, maintain and improve employment for people with disabilities by working with vocational rehabilitation consumers, employers and partners Vision:
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Equal Rights
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Unemployment Insurance
Wisconsin is Open for Business Division of Worker’s Compensation
Wisconsin is Open for Business Initial Message to External Partners: Priorities Ensure high sensing of private sector labor needs Work to forecast jobs & ID shortages of qualified workers Partners to align programs to anticipate and meet private sector labor needs Wisconsin Technical College System Workforce Development Boards Chambers of Commerce Local economic development regions Joint Focus: outcomes & results to anticipate and meet private sector labor needs Partners: Ensure financial transparency, compliance & accountability Motivate people to work; Report UI fraud and abuse
Wisconsin is Open for Business Working Together to Anticipate and Meet Private Sector Labor Needs
Wisconsin is Open for Business Some action items… Start aligning training programs to actual employment outcomes, i.e., positions filled Engage Workforce Development Boards (WDBs), economic development regions, technical college system, and chambers of commerce to participate in the development of WDB plans Maximize coordinated use of federal funds among regions Increase performance metrics accountability Ensure financial compliance among all stakeholders Support and motivate the values of self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and life-long learning Motivate people to work; Report UI fraud and abuse
Wisconsin is Open for Business Questions & Answers How can we work better with the Wisconsin Association of Staffing Services?
Wisconsin is Open for Business Thank You!
Wisconsin is Open for Business What Sets Us Above Other States? Wisconsin’s work ethic outpaces U.S.
Wisconsin is Open for Business What Sets Us Above Other States? Worker’s Compensation: Average per-case cost WI ranks 5th best (lowest) in U.S.; IL 4th worst (highest) Low cost = higher profitability for WI employers
Wisconsin is Open for Business What Sets Us Above Other States? WI ranks best (lowest) in 5-state Midwest region Lower premiums = higher profitability for employers WC premiums paid by employers per $100 of wages paid:
Wisconsin is Open for Business What Sets Us Above Other States? Manufacturing Skill Standards Certification WI ranked No. 2 in number of credentials earned Safety Module1,221 Quality Module643 Manufacturing Processing Module522 Maintenance Module380 CREDENTIALS TOTAL2,766 What Sets Us Above Other States? MSSC Certified Production Technician Certificates: 176