Summary of main questions on the Partnership Agreement and the secretariat support End of day 1
Q1: Voting in technical groups -in case an organization controlling more than one oneM2M membership 1 vote per “company”/ per Partner Type 1 (ATIS, CCSA if we do not go for a CAP) or 1 vote per “company” (TIA) or One member one vote with a CAP [CAP is max number of votes for a company] (ETSI, ARIB) or 1 vote per “company”/ per Partner Type 1 with a CAP [CAP max number of votes for a company] (TTA, TTC, CCSA if we go for a CAP) To be defined: Company, CAP
Q1: Voting in technical groups AGREED -in case an organization controlling more than one oneM2M membership 1 vote per “company”*/ per Partner Type 1 (ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC, TIA, ARIB) Selected or 1 vote per “company” (-) ARIB: would like to introduce a CAP * The assumption is that “company” includes all its affiliates
Q2: Definition of “P arent and subsidiaries ” AGREED Clarification of parent and subsidiaries Company – the set of corporate entities and affiliates. –Any corporate entity and/or its affiliates may be a oneM2M member. –"AFFILIATE" of a first legal entity means any other legal entity: directly or indirectly owning or controlling the first legal entity, or under the same direct or indirect ownership or control as the first legal entity, or directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the first legal entity,
Q3: Technical contribution for member based organization AGREED IPR policies for technical contribution for Partner Type 2 -> It is enough to assure that Partner type 2 has an IPR policy compatible with Partner type 1. YES. IPR policy for technical contribution for members of Partner Type 1 that are associations -> Is this case covered in the current Partner type 1 IPR policies? YES.
Q3: Technical voting for member based organization AGREED IPR policies for technical voting for Partner Type 2 -> At a minimum, a Partner Type 2 must: (1) Have an IPR policy that is compatible with a Partner Type 1 IPR Policy; or (2) Provide written assurance that: (i) its oneM2M contributions are made in accordance with a Partner Type 1 IPR Policy; and (ii) its members are bound by such an IPR policy relative to any oneM2M contributions.
Figure for Clarifying some Issues concerning IPR AGREED 7 Partner Type 1 oneM2M Member Member of Partner Type 1 oneM2M Affiliate of Partner Type 1 IPR policy P1 commitment oneM2M Partner Type 1 oneM2M Partner Type 2 oneM2M Associate Member IPR policy P1 commitment Member of Partner Type 1 Member based association IPR policy P1 commitment Partner Type 2 Member based association Member IPR policy compatible to a Partner Type 1
Q4: Partner Type 1 Publishing AGREED Partner Type 1 should be requested to be capable to publish Standards in the context oneM2M scope? YES –At least one Type 1 Partner per region shall publish. More Type 1 Partners can publish. Note. A Partner using or publishing a oneM2M technical specification or technical report shall not impose an IPR policy more restrictive than that described in the oneM2M IPR statement attached to this Partnership Agreement. Note. Regional requirements to be included in the oneM2M specifications
Q5: Meeting hosting - long term Should meeting hosting provided by the oneM2M secretariat (ATIS, CCSA, TIA) or Directly by the Partners/members? (ARIB, ETSI, TTA, CCSA, TTC) Short term: By rotation per region (arrangements as for meeting 1-4) AGREEMENT
Q6: Funding Principles - Long Term Core secretariat functions (meeting hosting excluded) How to share the costs? –Funding formula: AGREED i) fixed part (flat fee or a percentage of the total budget) equal to all Type 1 Partners and ii) variable part which is proportional to number of Members admitted to oneM2M by Type 1 Partners –Type 1 Partner will fund AGREED Members; will not pay a fee directly to oneM2M. Allocation of the variable part of the funding to their individual Members is at the discretion of each Type 1 Partner –Type 2 Partner Free of charge participation to the end of 2012 AGREED After that? –ATIS, TIA, TTA: not 2013? –CCSA, ETSI, ARIB: also including free of charge to end of 2013, then revisited? –Free of charge for the first year? –Associate Members (redefined to: regulatory agencies, government agencies) AGREED Free of charge AGREED –Note. Guest status to be defined in the Working Procedures. –Funding by means of monetary and/or resources AGREED Each Type 1 Partner shall have a funding requirement, the value which can be satisfied by monetary contribution and/or commitment of resources according to the funding formula. The resources subject to acceptance by the Steering Committee. Ensuring long term commitment? –Rest of 2012 –2013? Short Term –Voluntary resources (ARIB, TTC, ETSI, CCSA, TTA,TIA, ATIS) AGREED ETSI is commited to provide 2 full time resouces to end 2013 for support of secretariat functions –End of 2012 AGREED TIA, ATIS, TTA: not 2013 ARIB, TTC, ETSI, CCSA: end of 2013