Waterways Forward Overview of partners’ specific roles and tasks Delft, 12 February 2010 Kick-off meeting
Content 1.Partners with specific tasks 1.CP leaders 2.TG leaders 3.Partners hosting meetings 2.Tasks for all PPs 1.Component 1 2.Component 2 3.Component 3 3. Partners’ budgets 4. Serbian partner’s status
1. Partners with specific tasks Lead Partner – as overall responsible for WF Role: to carry out the overall management, communication, implementation and co- ordination of the project
1. Partners with specific tasks Component leaders: CP1: Management and coordination: Lead Partner CP2: Communication & dissemination: PP4 – British Waterways: appoints a project Communication Manager (CM) responsible for WF Publicity and Communication Plan (P&C) and for overall dissemination of project outputs. CM is supervised by the Lead Partner’s PM CP3: Knowledge exchange: Lead partner assisted by TG leaders PP5 VRW PP12 & VNF
1. Partners with specific tasks Thematic Group leaders PP5 – VRW (NL): Governance PP12 – VNF (FR): Environment and climate change
1. Partners with specific tasks TG leaders’ basic tasks: TG coordination Responsible for the Masterclasses Responsible for knowledge exchange Responsible for the ICT tool to support knowledge exchange (together with PP4 BW) Contribute to the final report of WF
1. Partners with specific tasks Preparing, organising and hosting kick-off meeting, launching and final conferences and Interregional Working Group / Steering Group meetings: PP5 (NL): Administrative kick-off meeting – CP1 Lead Partner (NL)- Launching conference – CP2 Project Partners 10 and Partner 11 (IT) - 2 nd Interregional Working Group meeting – CP3 PP13 (ES) - 3 rd Interregional Working Group – CP3 PP3 (IE) - 4 th Interregional Working Group meeting – CP2 PP9 (HU) - 5 th Interregional Working Group meeting – CP3 PP6 (NO) - 6 th Interregional Working Group meeting - CP3 PP12 (FR) - Final conference – CP2
1. Partners with specific tasks
2. Tasks of all PPs In case of joint project events (eg. Launching event, final conference) responsible PP: overall responsibility for coordination and implementation of the event and that it happens according to plans both in time and content indicated in AF involved PPs (usually all other PPs!) have to support the responsible PP and carry out all their own sub-tasks according to plans both in time and content
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 1: management & coordination Start up tasks: Appoint WG, SC and TG members Arrange FLC Approve and sign Partnership Agreement Participate in first SC and WG meetings at launching event Regular tasks: Participate in SC and WG meetings in line with meetings schedule defined in implementation plan Participate in regular project communication ( ing) Provide inputs and acquire FLC certification for the half yearly progress reports finalised and submitted by the LP Provide inputs for the final project report finalised and submitted by the LP
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 2: communication & dissemination Regular tasks: Provide inputs for the 6 newsletters Contribute to website content Contribute to brochures’ content (1st, 2nd and final brochures) Tasks along implementation: Approve communication plan and project image Participate in launching event (The Hague, March 2010) Organise the publication of press releases (per partner region) as laid down in Implementation Plan Organise press conference following partners’ RSP meetings Direct communication activities to create publicity for the Masterclasses in Ireland per partner region Provide inputs to PP4 for preparing exhibitions including media tools
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 2: communication & dissemination Tasks along implementation (2): Draft articles (14 altogether on project level) on the results for the Master Classes to be published in specialized magazines Active participation in virtual knowledge exchange supported by the CM Organise press conferences following last SC and WG meetings Draft articles (14 altogether on project level) on the final project results to be published in specialized magazines Participation in final conference Contribution to the organisation of the exhibition to be presented at the European Parliament
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 3: knowledge exchange Tasks along implementation (1): Participation in the Thematic Group meetings (altogether 12 – 6x2 – first a virtual process related to launching event) Comment on and agree on methodology for regional analyses carry out regional analysis based on joint methodology: collection of good and bad practices Draft a regional analysis report based on analysis carried out Contact and set up regional stakeholder platform (by each partner region) Organise meeting of the RSP to discuss the outcomes of the analyses and the selected good practices Draft a report on the outcome of the RSP meeting Contribute to planned schedule and procedure of intensified transfer visits
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 3: knowledge exchange Tasks along implementation (2): Participate in 1 transfer visit Draft 1 actvitiy report on the transfer visit Organise RSP meeting to discuss results of the transfer visits Draft 1 report on the RSP meeting Participate in the two Master Classes (Ireland, September 2011) Draft a regional policy recommendations document Draft a regional action plan document
2. Tasks of all PPs Component 3: knowledge exchange Tasks along implementation (3): Contribute to creation of an online ICT tool as virtual platform to assist regional debates in RSPs on draft documents Participate in regional debates through the virtual platform Draft a regional implementation report Draft a regional assessment report on regional governance Contribute with inputs to project level final policy recommendations, governance model and the joint action plan for implementation Approve the final documents prepared jointly by the partners Draft presentation on final project outputs and present these at the final RSP meeting
2. Tasks of all PPs Specific tasks of PPs: Although just one/few partners are involved, there might be outputs on project level Full responsibility of the given PP to ensure coordination and implementation of the task/action and that it happens according to plans both in time and content Never forget interdependency of PPs’ tasks!
3. Partners’ budgets Related to the tasks of the given PP >> more responsibilities >> proportionally higher budget Planned taking into account differences of national cost levels Broken down by CPs Budget lines Reporting periods Details on: External expertise Meetings’ organization
SRN CP0 CP1 CP2 CP3 TOTAL Staff , ,5 Administration ,0 Travel and accomm ,0 External expertise ,5 Equipment TOTAL ,0 %5,3%65,5%14,5%14,7% AF Partners’ budgets - examples
CP /1 2010/2 2011/1 2011/2 2012/1 2012/2 Total (incl CP0) Staff Administration Travel and accomm External expertise Equipment
3. Partners’ budgets - examples Descriptionof external expertise Amount (EUR)Period Component 0 (Preparation) Project preparation meetings (venue, catering, translation)5 702,501 External support (AF preparation, coordination project meetings, partner search)16 216,501 Sub-total21 919,00 Component 1 (Mgt. & Coord.) First level control8 325,002,3,4,5,6 Other legal/admin costs (e.g. public procurement)1 850,001 Travel costs for PB members delegated by ZH3 305,001,4,6 Travel costs of project/financial managers6 500,00all Preparing project management guide and financial management guide12 025,001 Day to day project management64 600,00all Day to day financial management57 600,00all Sub-total ,00
3. Partners’ budgets - examples Component 3 Hosting meeting Venue rent2 500,00 Catering5 500,00 Transport participants2 003,33 Support preparation meeting5 000,00 organization by external experts2 500,00 Sub-total13 127,50
4. Specific status of P14 - Serbia PWMC Vode Vojvodine - Office for European Affaires, Executive Council, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Signatory, as Project Partner 14 of the Partnership Agreement No ERDF funding for PP14 – budget includes: Own budget in the form of staff time indicated in the AF but part of the total project budget (10,000 EUR) Budget for travel and accommodation included in ERDF partners’ budget who are hosting meetings – (see meetings table)
4. Specific status of P14 - Serbia PP14’s roles and tasks consist of participation in WG, SC and TG meetings for the purpose of gaining experience and knowledge-sharing >> following closely what is happening in the project and this way part of it, but does not have to contribute to the fulfillment of outputs / results
Thank you for your attention!