Medsin Autumn Weekend October 2nd and 3rd Voting Session 2
House-keeping and Formalities To adopt the minutes of the SGA 2010; To adopt the financial report for the year ; To adopt the Branch Fee categories for the year ; To ratify the National Committee
Motion 1: Proposed by Medsin-Leeds Appendix 3: Non-voting Members of Medsin-UK Proposal to recognise ‘Minds for Health’ as an Affiliated Activity to Medsin-UK Rationale: There is growing recognition of mental health as a global health priority, intimately connected with physical health and socio-economic problems. Yet in low and middle income countries, access to essential care is extremely limited. Minds for Health is a national charity, run largely by health and social work students and professionals, which aims to improve access to mental healthcare in low and middle income countries.
Motion 1: Proposed by Medsin-Leeds Proposed by:Medsin-Leeds Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:
Motion 2: Proposed by National Committee 4.2 Activites Board ‘The Medsin-UK Training Director shall be represented on the Activites Board and as such shall seek to promote training opportunities across all Medsin-UK Activities Proposal to move the Tasks of the Training Director from the description of the Activities Board (By-Law 4.2) to the Tasks of the National Committee (By-Law 1.4), and to include the Training Director as one of the Roles of the National Committee Officials (By-Law 1.3) Rationale: The basis of Training is strengthening Medsin through building our resources for future development and sustainability. Although in essence it is an activity, Training provides support and structure at all levels of our organisation including activities, branches, education, and policy. In order to maximise the effectiveness of Medsin and integrate Training into all aspects of the network, it should be in a position to have a more central and involved role in decision making in order to be a driving force towards working towards our goals.
Motion 2: Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:
Motion 3: Proposed by the National Committee Guidance Statement: For the National Coordinator to not pay IFMSA General Assembly Fees Rationale: The National Coordinator receives no funding towards their role on the National Committee beyond 50% of 4 National Committee meeting travel costs, and although the IFMSA GA fees are not the greatest of the National Coordinator’s expenses, they are substantial. By mandating the National Coordinator to attend it is limiting who is able to stand for the role, and preventing those without private funds to become National Coordinator. By Medsin paying for the National Coordinator to attend IFMSA GAs this widens the access to the role.
Motion 3: Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:
Motion 4: Proposed by the National Committee Appendix 5: Non-Binding Guidance Statements and Policy Statements SGA 2009 Guidance Statement on Activities Board Fund Proposal to remove SGA 2009 Guidance Statement on Activities Board Fund Rationale: The ABF consumes a large amount of Medsin's resources, with uneven benefit across the network. The success of this Fund needs to be evaluated to ensure value for money.
Motion 4: Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:
Motion 5: Proposed by the National Committee Guidance Statement on Branch Start-Up Fund The Branch Start-Up Fund is open to all Branches. The maximum amount any one branch can be awarded is £50. Branches can apply at any point during the year. To apply for the Branch Start- Up Fund, an application form must be filled in and this will be marked by the National Committee according to published criteria. Rationale: Branches are the backbone of our network. In order to ensure continuity at Universities across the UK, Medsin must ensure that Branches are supported in setting up and maintaining their presence at their University. The Branch Start-Up Fund will help Branches in this respect, strengthening the network without drawing large amounts of resources from other Branches.
Motion 5: Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:
Motion 6: Proposed by the National Committee Guidance Statement on Hosting Medsin's General Assembly – Proposed by National Committee This General Assembly: RECOGNISES that Medsin's Autumn Weekend and Spring General Assembly offer unique opportunities for the network to come together and share successes, ideas, plans, and friendships; FURTHER RECOGNISES that Medsin National events do not occur evenly across the United Kingdom; IS CONCERNED by the disproportionate attrition of Branches in the Northern Region; THEREFORE PROPOSES that, as a non-binding Guidance Statement, General Assemblies rotate between the regions, such that every Region will in turn host either the Medsin Autumn Weekend or the Spring General Assembly. Rationale: Hosting a National event such as the MAW or SGA is a fantastic way to bring Medsin's presence to a local Branch and Region. If such events rotate regularly through regions, Branches and Regions should receive equal exposure and opportunity to participate in directing the network. Furthermore, there have been problems in the past with not finding a host for a General Assembly until the last minute. By having a rotating system of hosts, it will be predictable where the next General Assembly will be held, and planning can begin much further in advance. This in turn facilitates greater participation in these events by the entire network. While it must be recognised that, if no Branch in a Region is able to host a GA, they cannot be compelled to do so, it is hoped that this Guidance Statement will provide motivation to each Region in turn to share the burden - albeit not without benefit - of hosting these events.
Motion 6: Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result: