SHRISTI SPECIAL ACADEMY Structured intervention programmes for children with mental retardation, autism, or any other intellectual impairment
Specially designed, scientific, family centered curriculum to support mentally challenged children of different ages, different types of disabilities and varying extent of retardation
Saathi – Early Intervention Unit. For children under 5 years, with delayed development and psycho motor retardation. Specific emphasis on sensory motor training. Aimed at reducing deficits and atypical traits by training children in activities to promote development.
Prakruti – the Autism Unit. Functional and meaningful programs facilitate autistic children to adapt, integrate and behave in socially acceptable ways
Prayathna - Respite Care Unit. designed to provide exclusive rehabilitation therapy to children with Severe Mental Retardation. Improving self-care skills, language and communication. Emphasis on recreation and leisure time activities to ease the burden of the care takers/family members
Pre-vocational Training Unit. Targeted at individuals in the age-group years. Focuses on functional academics, pre-requisites necessary for vocational transition, communication skills, and life survival skills
Dhruti – Vocational Training Unit. The ultimate aim of special education is employability and independent living. Manufacture of phenyl and soap oil Weaving Stationary Products Tailoring Screen printing Candle making
HELP SUSTAIN EDUCATION Support A Teacher Program The teachers at Shristi are special educators trained to work with mentally challenged and autistic children. We believe retaining educators in the system is the way to sustain education, particularly in the context of special education. Committed though they are, supporting these educators financially is a necessary part of retaining them within the system. You can become a sponsor for a teacher at Shristi for as little as $20 a month.