Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services National Quality Framework Preparation Working Groups Session 4
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services …and how exactly are we going to do that? Revise and debrief-Revisit code of conduct, NQF on the couch- therapy sessions, questions that have come up; Content, group inquiry and reflection; Homework; Questions and comments from the current session; Summary for the following week and an agreement on what will be covered. Every week
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services Objectives for week 4 Review the assessment and rating process Discuss and document concerns and issues relating to the QIP ; Engage in content learning on writing and documentation; Develop FAQs team members on the assessment by ACOs; Engage in peer reflection and analysis on Quality Improvement Plans
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services The group will…Gai will… Use our time efficiently / Focus on the NQF at sessions / stay on task. Inform. Support each other and establish new contacts.Provide updated information as available. Give non-judgemental feedback.Seek to provide clear information. Listen to others viewpoints without interruption.Find out answer that I do not know & report back. Show respect for others viewpoints / respect people’s input / value all ideas. Listen. Challenge and question our current understandings.Respect and value and affirm the group. Listen and share knowledge and information.Help group members to achieve their NQF goals. Respect each other.Give support and encouragement. Gather more information to retain.Teach and learn. Encourage each other to speak. Contribute actively. Keep children and families as a focus in our decision making and learning. Be willing to talk openly and honestly.Prepare well. Maintain confidentiality. OUR CODE OF CONDUCT
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services
NQF on the Couch Your Assessment and Compliance officer has come to assess your service. In Thinking pairs explain how you undertook the self assessment process and development of the QIP and why it is contributing to quality. What are your thoughts and what are you thinking?
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services World Café-Concerns and Issues
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services Writing for clear communication 1. Clearly state your main message and don’t bury it in detail. 2. Structure your text to place the most important information first. 3. Pay attention to design and layout as well as to the language. 4. Use a formal but friendly tone. 5. Use short, familiar words, rather than long words to sound impressive. 6. Prefer the active to the passive voice. (ACTIVE = subject performs the action.) 7. Be ruthless on clutter — remove words and details that add little value. 8. Use sentences which average 15−20 words, and vary them to be between 10 and 35 words. 9. Check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services What is Plain English? Writing style that reader can understand in ONE reading. Use clear concise expression Use effective structure Use good document design. Supports clarity rather than confusion. “knowledge navigator”……Teacher Garbologist… Domestic Goddess…. Destination navigator Vision clearance engineer…. Term PLAIN ENGLISH coined in 1940’s by Sir Ernest Arthur Gowers…wrote guide on avoiding pompous and over elaborate writing.
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services The benefits of using Plain English ( READABILITY: easy to read and absorb in one sitting. (Don’t aim to be complicated or academic.) EFFICIENCY: succinct. Most documents can be reduced by one third. Write less + less to read + reduce paper and printing = workplace economy. ACCOUNTABILITY: Say WHO will do the action (ACTIVE VOICE) rather than using general “officialese” writing where no- one is clear on how the goal will be achieved. CREDIBILITY: Add to your professional credibility by avoiding pretentious, inappropriate or error-ridden writing.
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services
Writing the QIP-Looking at each element
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services Setting SMART goals Specific: To incorporate sustainable practices. Measurable: We will measure our success by having the worm farm, compost and paper recycling as part of everyday practice. Attainable: We will work with the children to recycle paper, collect compost and set up a worm farm. Realistic: We will investigate paper recycling options, types of compost bins and worm farms; including costs and set up. Timely: We will achieve this by June.
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services Working Smarter On REQUEST…. Using a PDF document to search for key information.
Supporting the provision of quality, inclusive children’s services Information and knowledge Consider ongoing self assessment Homework Where are you on your NQF journey?