Collaborative Group Essential Questions How can collaborative group work support students with diverse strengths and needs? How can group work increase rigor and support? What are some key strategies to consider when implementing group work?
Benefits of Group Work Academic Benefits Cultural Benefits Personal Benefits
Increases engagement with learning Deepens understanding Allows flexible understanding Provides support for learning
Reveals strengths and weaknesses Provides a means for remediation Evaluates progress Allows teachers to find misconceptions
Generates group solutions for difficult questions Cultivates mutual responsibility Promotes positive academic behavior
Personal Benefits Students are able to: Gender a Commitment for Success Experiment with new understandings Value mistakes as rich opportunities for learning
Teacher Strategies Refer to article: Teach students how to work in groups Favorite Strategies Tricks for shaping effective groups Suggestions for enough structure Accountability measure Methods for differentiating group work Formative Assessment tool Noise Comfort level Reflections
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Rigor Redefined The Road to 21 st Century Learning Please refer to the article below
The Road to 21 st Century Learning How We Teach What We Teach Where We Teach How We Learn How We Think How We Collaborate
How We Teach We don’t cover material, we uncover solutions.
What We Teach Our students know what to do, when they don’t know what do.
Where We Teach Our school is a network. Everybody is a part of the network. Every connection is vital. Our network is both flexible and supportive, and extends beyond our campus into our homes and communities.
How We Lead We treat our students as partners and not subordinates.
How We Think Questions are more important than answers. Our Students interpret, and connect, evaluate and justify, and learn to think on their own.
How We Collaborate Working together sets up apart. Our size and emphasis on teamwork and collaboration help foster a safe and supportive environment.
Where do we begin with 21 st Century Skills? There are seven survival skills students need to thrive in the new world of work.
Seven Survival Skills 1.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2.Collaboration and Leadership 3.Agility and Adaptability 4.Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5.Effective Oral and Written Communication 6.Accessing and Analyzing Information 7.Curiosity and Imagination
Exit Ticket 1.Write a paragraph about another set of standards or strategies from your school or district that could correlate with the instructional strategies. 2.Correlate the instructional strategies with the 21 st century skills (outcomes). 3.Submit an individual response to “Exit Ticket” and an individual lesson plan that incorporates group work. Can be a lesson you have done. 4. Responses to slides can be a large group (staff) effort.
Correlate the strategies with 21 st century skills (outcomes). Instructional Strategies 21 st Century Skills (outcomes) 1. Critical Thinking 2. Problem Solving 3. Ability to apply Knowledge 4. Mastery of Content Knowledge 5. Innovative/Creative Thinking 6. Communication Skills
Correlate the strategies with 21 st century skills (outcomes). Instructional Strategies 21 st Century Skills (outcomes) 7. Ability to Learn in and Work in Teams 8. Relationship Building 9. Interpersonal/Social Skills 10. Work Ethic 11. Flexibility/Adaptability 12. Global Awareness 13. Cultural Competency