Strategies for Building a Better In School Suspension


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Building a Better In School Suspension SMART ISS Strategies for Building a Better In School Suspension

Goals for the Day Establish philosophical underpinnings for a SMART ISS program Discuss in depth models of ISS programs and opportunities to integrate Discuss therapeutic intervention models to increase student success Have fun

Norms Take care of needs Ask clarifying questions Be on time from breaks and lunch

Chapter 37 pertains to the laws and rules that govern disciplinary responses to offenses committed both on and off campus. The main premise of Chapter 37 is that it requires school districts to establish in writing procedures and outline circumstance for which a student can or shall be removed form a classroom, campus or Alternative Education Placement. Specifically, it clearly articulates procedures that must occur before a student is removed from a regular classroom setting. School officials must typically follow an established procedure. The formality of the procedures varies according to the seriousness of the penalty: Ex. The TEC includes procedures for a conference in the case of DAEP placement and a formal due process hearing in the case of expulsion. The student code of conduct becomes crucial as the foundational supporting document for your districts behavior and discipline Policies. Where many districts find themselves in trouble is when the loosely interpret the policies or inconsistently enforce. Included in Chapter 37 are laws regarding behavior and students with disabilities, weapons, permanent removal of a student based on teachers request, laws regarding seclusion and restraint, and a host of other behaviors that one can either be mandatory or discretionarily removed. It does outline a laundry list of potential actions that can be applied by an administrator.

The Social Gap

Low Hanging Fruit

Traditional School Disciplinary Consequences Demotion Lowering Grades Detention Saturday School Suspension Expulsion Classroom Consequences Staying after school More homework Writing lines Loss of recess Parent Conference Office Referral

What Behaviors are Students Referred For? White students referred/suspended more for: Smoking Endangering Obscene Language Vandalism Drugs/Alcohol AA students referred/suspended more for: Loitering Disrespect Excessive Noise Threat Conduct interference “The Color of Discipline”: www.

What must we do versus what can we do. Discretionary removals versus mandatory Student code of conduct is the local policy that districts choose to enforce. In many instances it is portrayed as law when in actuality it is merely preference. Areas that typically become challenges for campuses and eat away at administrators time include, dress code, tardies, and electronics at the secondary level. Bullying, tattling, tantruming at the elementary level. Review Document one and two. Have room divide into four groups. The two groups is given a copy of Chapter 37 Offenses and consequences. Second two groups given a copy of Llano student code of conduct. Have the groups review the document. Highlight any aha movements that may occur. What questions does these documents bring up?

Alternatives to Suspension and Expulsion

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives #1- Mini-Course

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives #2- Parent Supervision

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives #3- Counseling counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 4 Community Service counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 5- Behavior Monitoring counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 6- Restitution counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 7- Problem Solving-Contracting counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 8- Alternative Programming counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 9- Appropriate ISS counseling

Ten Alternative Examples that Support Disciplinary Alternatives # 10- Coordinated Behavior Plans counseling

Definition and Rationale SMART ISS

Where What Who When Why

Models of ISS The Punitive Model The Academic Model The Therapeutic Model The Individual Model

The Punitive Model Doing Time for the Crime

Daily Schedule Arrival Restroom Lunch On task behavior Dismissal

Punitive ISS Room Arrangement

Keys to Success Clearly defined rules and expectations Review rules as the apply to rules that were violated Opportunities to problem solve Aversive task Compliance based activities Based on a time served model

Study Hall

Daily Schedule Arrival Restroom Lunch On task behavior Dismissal

Academic ISS Room Arrangement

Keys to Success Academic skills are measured and learning difficulties diagnosed Individualized instruction in basic skills is provided ISS instructor receives specialized training Social skills remediation is taught using a research based curriculum Role-playing, cooperative learning and engaging interactions

Therapeutic Model

Unique Characteristics Improvement of student’s self-image, communication, and problem solving Counseling techniques, individual, group, reality therapy Staff development for teachers, parent training, home school survival skills Identification and monitoring of student behavior post intervention

Daily Schedule Arrival Restroom Lunch On task behavior Dismissal

Therapeutic ISS Room Arrangement

Individual Model The Smart ISS approach
