ICT leaders update Spring Term 2011
Today: A few reminders A new model for assessment of ICT Assessment manager E-safety update Teach It Somerset SLICT ICT Advocates New possibilities Create and share in Fronter
Reminders for ICT leaders ICT leaders Support the development of ICT capability across the curriculum Encourage the use of ICT to increase achievement across the curriculum Tentative date for ICT conference – Monday 13 th June Primary ICT blog Add a post, receive alerts, find access to presentations and support sheets in document folder Check out Somerset ICT website
A new model for assessment of ICT What is ICT capability? What are the expectations? How can we use a realistic APP model? Setting open-ended challenges
ICT skills - techniques and facts I know what a word processor can do I can cut and paste, crop a picture, create a mail-merge ICT process I can identify what information is required for a task, search and select information, make judgements about the usefulness of information ICT concepts I can select appropriate tools to achieve an intended outcome. I recognise that information can be represented in different ways. I recognise the need to critically evaluate information. What is ICT Capability ?
Key features of progression Level 1 – Exploratory use and developing familiarity. Level 2 – Purposeful use toward specific outcomes. Level 3 – Using ICT to develop ideas and solve problems Level 4 – Combine and refine information from various sources. Interpret and consider plausibility. Level 5 – Combine the use of ICT tools within an overall structure. Critically evaluate fitness for purpose. Level 6 – Integration and efficiency Level 7 – Scope and implement ICT systems Level 8 – Independence and designing for others
Assessment for Learning Day to day assessment –Learning objectives shared with pupils –Pupils identify successful outcomes –Pupils have immediate feedback from teacher and peers Periodic assessment –Use of challenging questions and national standards for broader view of progress and achievement –Informing and refining medium-term curriculum planning Transitional assessment –Formal recognition of pupils’ achievement –Reporting to parents/carers –Information provided to next teacher
APP in ICT for periodic/transitional assessment Three assessment foci: AF1: Planning, developing and evaluating AF2: Data-handling, modelling, sequencing instructions AF3: Finding, using and communicating information The original strands of ICT capability: Communicating information Handling information Modelling Control and Monitoring Colour code areas of learning Complete level 1 and level 2 statements
Judgements Secure – most of the criteria for the level are highlighted in each AF. The first 2 criteria in AF1 are met. There may be a few unmet criteria in other AFs, but the highlighting shows that the standard for the level has been substantially met across each of the assessment focuses. Low – several criteria for the level are highlighted but there are substantial gaps. Only 1 of the criteria in AF1 has been met. The pupil is working within the overall level, but there are significant areas that need to be developed further before secure performance at the level is demonstrated. High – the criteria for the level are highlighted across all, or almost all, the AFs, with some criteria in the level above being highlighted for some AFs. All criteria in AF1 are met. Your decision should take account of how fully and consistently the criteria have been met and how far the pupil demonstrates independence and choice across a range of evidence.
Assessing Progression in ICT A group of children planned a journey for Roamer using simple instructions. They programmed the Roamer to see if their route was followed. They talked about why it did not go exactly where they thought it would. Logo is being used as part of maths work on ‘Shape and Space’. This pupil was confident in programming the ‘turtle’ to draw simple shapes. She discussed how she should have combined the first two instructions for the rectangle and she noted that the same instructions were being repeated.
Progression in ICT Northern Grid level characteristics A group of Year 1 children planned a journey for Roamer using simple instructions. They programmed the Roamer to see if their route was followed. They talked about why it did not go exactly where they thought it would. Level 2 They plan and give instructions to make things happen and describe the effects. Level 3 They use sequences for instructions to control devices and achieve specific outcomes. Year 4 classes were using Logo as part of their maths work on ‘Shape and Space’. This pupil was confident in programming the ‘turtle’ to draw simple shapes. She discussed how she should have combined the first two instructions for the rectangle and she noted that the same instructions were being repeated.
Know when you will be using ICT to support learning. Plan to introduce new skills and concepts to build independent use of ICT to support learning. Use of ICT designed to create engaging learning experiences Evidence of pupils’ learning and attainment is generated by their work and captured in teacher records Evidence of learning is evaluated using APP assessment criteria Use of ICT designed to generate assessment evidence Planning for assessment Templates for planning ICT Progressions Open-ended challenges ICT APP recording sheet
Creating opportunities for progression How much ‘scaffolding’ should we give pupils? When does scaffolding prevent pupils from making progress? Do the activities we give pupils offer enough opportunity for them to demonstrate higher levels? 100% ‘scaffolding’ Open-ended problem-solving ?
Giving pupils opportunities to demonstrate attainment Begin a task with an open-ended challenge (scaffold as appropriate) Year 1 Is this true? How can you prove it? Most people have pets that don’t need taking for a walk. I’m going camping in Scotland. What clothes should I pack in my rucksack? Year 5 What will we need to consider? What evidence will we need to collect? How will we collect the evidence? How will we present the evidence?
Giving pupils opportunities to demonstrate attainment Begin a task with an open-ended challenge (scaffold as appropriate) Think about a topic you are doing this term. What ICT will you be using? What new skills will you be introducing? What understanding will the children be developing? What challenge will you set?
The ICT process Implement Analysis of problem and definition of task Plan and design Modify Test and review (evaluate)
Somerset SLICT Strategic ICT for Senior Management in the 21st Century A programme developed by Gatehouse Partnership, Selworthy Special School and Somerset e-learning and information management team for Primary and Special Schools in Somerset Day One Wednesday May 18th 2011 Day Two Wednesday June 22nd 2011 School visit between these dates The Cleve Hotel, Wellington, TA21 8SN Aimed at Primary and Special School Senior Management Teams (typically Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher). It is not for ICT Leaders (unless they also hold an SMT role).
E-safety update Safer Internet Day Sign up at Somerset competition – Somerset ICT website Staff meeting presentations and activities available on Primary ICT Blog E-safety in the primary classroom course Wednesday 25 th May e-sense progression for vulnerable learners – available shortly Social stories from Selworthy Special School – available shortly Parent information of Somerset ICT website Filtering information ed to all schools 18 th January
ICT Advocates – go to Somerset ICT
Teach - IT Go to the Primary ICT Blog and click on the Teach – IT icon. Solution to add to your own staff site will be available shortly.
Focus for spring follow up training. (Bring resources to create a page for a purpose.) Go to the Primary Sharing Room Create and share in Fronter