Librarians' involvement with CRIS developments: the St Andrews perspective Research evaluation - is it our business? 29 Jun 2011 Jeremy Upton Deputy Director Library Services
Introduction Strong advocate for involvement Institution view: research intensive, research lead teaching Huge benefits to Library Service Time when many developments seem to be coming together: Open Access Impact Research profile Digital communication = Efficiencies from interacting and working together Library is a natural partners as fit in with our philosophy of distribution of knowledge
Summary History: our journey to closer co-operation Where we are now What we deliver to the Research Office and Institution Benefits for the Library –Repository Assistant post
History Repository work with ePrints: HaIRST project Understanding basic issues surrounding repositories, developing key skill set Re-launch of Repository activity driven by need for e- thesis service Driven by academic desire for e-thesis service Library shown to support an institutional research need
Developing e-theses service The success of the current service is very dependent on key partnerships which have been established between relevant agencies within the institution.
History Desire to support other types of publication activity Awareness of Business improvement project to develop Research Expertise Database (RED) Shared understanding of value of reusing data Importance of standards
Repository Full text Public access Copyright issues Files and content Bibliographic data quality Publications database Research Assessment Limited access Reporting Data gathering Bibliographic data quality
Links with Research Expertise Database To establish good communication and practice in centralised and coordinated development of both databases. Library Business Improvement s
History RAE Why would you need to be involved University request for staff –Team lead by senior liaison librarian –3 other support staff –Recognition of wide range of relevant skills Use of repository for unpublished outputs
Research Policy Office Library
The story so far Digital Research Repository + Research Expertise database Technical links between systems Regular meetings between Library and data architect Established relationship between Research Policy Office and Library Reporting to research steering group on RAE progress and e-theses developments Solid foundation for library involvement with CRIS procurement Recognising need for robust system that fits existing infrastructure Joint procurement with Aberdeen University Shared vision, exchange of ideas Rebranding of Repository: Andrews: Full text Research Assessment the main (but not only) driver
Publications Fed Out Research Information System REF, RCUK SFC, HESA HEI – Strategic Planning Public, Media Recognition / Impact Industry / SMEs Interface Collaborations Research Pools Pulled In Student Records Grants, Projects, KT Human Resources Finance Manual Input Entered Web of Science, arXiv, PubMed… Harvested Full Text Repository Open Access Linked Bibtex, Refman Uploaded
Pure Team
Library knowledge and skills How we give to the process
Benefits for the Library Appointment Assistant Library Repository Officer Key tasks: –Improve and embed workflow for depositing content –Ensure funder compliance –Encourage OA and deposit of high quality outputs –Develop alternative publication models
Pure demos to Schools Opportunity for all issues to be discussed
Research Funding Office Wellcome Trust Open Access fund
Figure 2. The complex of AGME Y140F with ADP-β-D- mannose. Joined-up thinking
An image of the atmospheric jet stream, obtained from an idealised computer simulation, but one using extraordinary resolution, far higher than ever used before. The computer methods have been developed in St Andrews, and there is a proposal under development to apply these highly efficient methods to markedly improve weather forecasting and climate modelling. Photo supplied by David Dritschel Serendipity
Web presence
Supporting internal publishing
Where we are now Publications – full text more than doubled since launch of Pure Funder mandates – procedures and points of communication established OJS – Pilot with Art History and Theology journals, with others interested
Where we are now CRIS provides the infrastructure Research office provide direction and encouragement Library provides integrated support across wide range of areas
Where next? Appetite and culture now more suitable for a managed approach Use senior management buy-in to CRIS to push the value of Library support for research management More contacts with grants office, finance and admin staff in Schools Exploring links with grant applications Importing and linking funder data Measuring progress and establishing evidence of success Contribution of Repository and Library work to impact Restructure of Library research support
Images of St Andrews ©University of St Andrews Images of people ©individuals and used with permission Jeremy Upton: Janet Aucock: