Zagreb, 4 and 5 November POLICY OF GOVERNMENT OF KOSOVO REPUBLIC FOR ATTRACTING PROFESSIONAL STAFF TO CIVIL SERVICE Shefqet Berisha, Director of Department for Administration of Civil Service Qeveria e Republikes se Kosoves Vlada Republike Kosova Government of Republic of Kosovo III. Regional workshop on civil service reform in Western Balkans How to attract and retain the best in the civil service?
Background Current civil service in Kosovo has been inherited from postwar UNMIK administration; Today, after the independence declaration, serious efforts to develop one competent general service have begun; During this mission, we are faced with highly challenging and unfavorable internal and external ambience.
Current situation Kosovo has an irregular labour market: Large number of international organizations offering competitive salaries; Private sector is not sufficiently developed; Public sector is the largest employer in the country; In comparison to competition, salaries in public sector are too low.
Employment trends Permanent outflow of staff from public sector towards: International organizations Civil society organizations Public companies Private sector
Government activities aimed at attracting qualified staff
“Young cell” scheme 61 postgraduate students are returning to civil service; Their recruitment has been facilitated through contracts which commit them to employment in civil service for at least 5 years; This programme will be continued in the future – 30 candidates per year.
Capacity development projects & capacity development for European Integrations These two projects assist recruitment of experts for a definite period of time in addition to civil servants and political staff; The purpose is capacity development of staff and their exposure to better practices; Selection of experts is implemented with assistance from senior civil servants and political advisors.
Fellowship program Open Society Foundation and UNDP implement this programme It lasts for 24 months A number of civil servants have been given pay incentives to motivate them to stay at their jobs.
Brain Gain project The goal is to attract Kosovo citizens who work or have finalised their studies abroad Offered arrangements are competitive – salary with benefits and managerial positions
Government interventions The draft of clear policies creating general and legislative ambience to attract and retain staff in civil service; Developing recruitment strategy and retaining the most talented individuals in the country.
Additional measures Salary system decompression Small salary increase; Defining categories which are in great demand at the market; Defining salary bonuses for this category of staff (IT, engineers); Defining bonuses for a number of key department dealing with general professions.
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