Montenegro Montenegro activated in ECSEE Division of the UNGEGN at the 19th Session of the East Central and South-East Europe Division (ECSEED) of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), 19 – 21 November 2008, Zagreb, Croatia. Since 19 October 2007 Montenegro has new Constitution that is defining new Country dana. In the UNGEGN documents could be found data that do not correspond any more to the data defined in the new Constitution.
Country National Official Name Formal name Country National Official Name Short name Country UN English Name Formal name Country UN English Name Short name UN Member since ISO alpha-2/3 Country code MONTENEGRO Peпублика Црна Гоpа Republika Crna Gora Црна Гоpа Crna Gora the Republic of Montenegro Montenegro28 June 2006ME /MNE Old data for Montenegro in UNGEN documents New data for Montenegro, since 19 October 2007 (New Constitution) Country National Official Name Formal name Country National Official Name Short name Country UN English Name Formal name Country UN English Name Short name UN Member since ISO alpha-2/3 Country code MONTENEGRO Црна Гоpа Crna Gora Црна Гоpа Crna Gora Montenegro 28 June 2006ME /MNE
Old data for Montenegro in UNGEN documents Country Language (UN English name) Writing system(s) (BR - Basic Roman) Romanization system(s) Language code (ISO 639 / ISO DIS 639-3) MONTENEGROSerbian a) Chyrillic ( FF) b) BR+Serbian extensions a) UN 1977 (III/11) (pdate VIII/14) sr / srp Country Language (UN English name) Writing system(s) (BR - Basic Roman) Romanization system(s) (should be improuved) Language code (should be improuved) MONTENEGRO Montenegrin Official also: sr: Serbian bs: Bosnian sq: Albanian hr: Croatian a) Chyrillic ( FF) b) Latinic (BR + Montenegrian extensions) a) UN 1977 (III/11) (pdate VIII/14) ISO 639-1: none ISO 639-2: sla (Slavic) ISO 639-3: srp (Serbian) New data for Montenegro, since 19 October 2007 (New Constitution)