The Western Reformations Martin Luther ( ) –31 Oct 1517: 95 Theses –Wittenberg Cathedral –Faith vs. Works –“Sola Scriptura”
The Swiss Reformation Ulrich Zwingli ( ) –Zurich The “Radical” Reformation –Anabaptists – “Rebaptizers” –Conrad Grebel ( ) –Mennonites, Amish, Baptists
John Calvin( ) Geneva Institutes of Xn Religion Predestination Reformed & Presbyterians Congregationalists (UCC) Baptists & Methodists
The English Reformation Henry VIII Act of Supremacy-1534 Book of Common Prayer Episcopalian Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Quakers, Congregationalists
The Catholic Reformation “Counter-Reformation” The Council of Trent ( ) 1.Eliminate Corruption 2.Respond to Protestantism
The Western Reformations
Later Protestant Groups Baptists: Roger Williams ( ) Quakers—Society of Friends George Fox ( ) Methodists— John Wesley ( )