A N DY RHIC Run-12 Status/Proposed Goals L.C. Bland, BNL RHIC Spin Collaboration 13 Jan 2012
2 E.C.Aschenauer, A. Bazilevsky, L.C. Bland, K. Drees, C. Folz, Y. Makdisi, A. Ogawa, P. Pile, T.G. Throwe Brookhaven National Laboratory H.J. Crawford, J.M. Engelage, E.G. Judd University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory C.W. Perkins University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory /Stony Brook University A. Derevshchikov, N. Minaev, D. Morozov, L.V. Nogach Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino G. Igo University of California, Los Angeles M.X. Liu Los Alamos National Laboratory H. Avakian Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility E.J.Brash Christopher Newport University and TJNAF C.F.Perdrisat College of William and Mary V. Punjabi Norfolk State University Li, Xuan Shandong University, China Mirko Planinic, Goran Simatovic University of Zagreb, Croatia A. Vossen Indiana University G. Schnell University of the Basque Country and IKERBASQUE,Spain A. Shahinyan, S. Abrahamyan Yerevan Physics Institute K. Gnovo, N. K. Liyanage University of Virginia E. Cisbani INFN Roma, Italy A N DY “Large Rapidity Drell Yan Production at RHIC” Letter of Intent submitted 24 May 2010: ford_LoI v1.pdf PAC presentation: enauer_DY-collider_june10.pdfe10.pdf Proposal to 2011 PAC: pro_110516_final.2.pdf Construction Proposal Nearing Completion JLab-SBS GEM experts
13 Jan Goal of A N DY Project Measure the analyzing power for forward Drell-Yan production to test the predicted change in sign from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering to DY associated with the Sivers function Projected precision for proposed A N DY apparatus GEANT model of proposed A N DY apparatus (run-13)
13 Jan Present Status Construction proposal estimated completion is middle of January Minimal changes made to run-11 apparatus oHCal annulus (below) oECal modules can now move to eliminate shadow on HCal Conversion of run-11 HCal modules to annulus Run-11 HCL 9-col x 12-row hadron calorimeter Run-11 HCR 9-col x 12-row hadron calorimeter Two 2-col x 5-row Inserts For run 12
13 Jan Critical Run-12 Tests … to be proposed... (1) Finish HCal calibration with new annulus: correction for hadronic response (2) Test operation of GEM prototype (3) Demonstrate 10 pb -1 /week at s=500 GeV, as required for runs 13,14 A N DY Comments: Corrections to run-11 HCal calibration for hadron showers expected to be ~20% GEMs improve position resolution from ~5cm (run-11) ~0.1mm for calorimeter/preshower association required for background discrimination and other trackings Data from run-12 IP2 tests will improve run-11 J/ , enable B J/ +K and start on concurrent s=500 GeV A N measurement required to determine sign of DY A N With run-12 test, becomes “measured to be”
13 Jan Dileptons from Run 11 Data A N DY profiling methods were applied to a limited data sample (L int =0.5 / pb) of run-11 ECal triggered data. Dominant backgrounds are now from , and are suppressed by using MIP response of beam-beam counters to tag clusters. Individual detector calibration for HCal was an essential step to reconstruct J/ Limited granularity of BBC and poor position resolution of HCal-EM cluster results in less photon suppression than expected for final A N DY apparatus (project ~100x better suppression) Hadron suppression is not yet required, but will be in going from dileptons to DY J/ e+e- peak has ~120 events with 5.4 statistical significance. PYTHIA with NRQCD expects 420 events in the run-11 acceptance, approximately consistent with observation after crude efficiency correction. From PYTHIA 6.425, DY with M>4 GeV/c 2 is 170x smaller in this acceptance. J/ is a window to heavy flavor via B J/ K and b J/ p that would help quantify intrinsic b from proton backgrounds to DY
13 Jan Summary Proposal is nearing completion… a primary finishing touch is to benchmark PAC proposal simulations against run-11 dilepton signal. Limited data sample from run 11 shows dilepton signal of ~120 events from 3.5x10 7 triggers in ~0.5 pb -1. Critical run-12 tests will be proposed following completion of proposal
13 Jan Backup
13 Jan Gas Electron Multiplier
13 Jan /21/ Run11 A N (Jet) arXiv: v1 200GeV Non-zero jet analyzing power essentially a prerequisite before proceeding to Drell Yan arXiv: jet A N measurements are required to clarify signs of quark/gluon correlators related to Sivers functions. from p +p “old” Sivers function “new” Sivers function s=200 GeV Sivers effect only (no Collins effect contribution) Need A N (Jet) measurements before DY With ~10/pb & P=50%, AnDY run11 can measure A N (Jet)
13 Jan Schematic of detector for Run-11 Polarized proton collisions at s=500 GeV from February to April 2011 Beam-beam counter (BBC) for minimum-bias trigger and luminosity measurement from PHOBOS [NIM A474 (2001) 38] Zero-degree calorimeter and shower maximum detector for luminosity measurement and local polarimetry (ZDC/ZDC-SMD, not shown) Hadron calorimeter modules (HCal) are 9x12 modules from AGS-E864 (NIM406,227) Small (~120 cells) ECal loaned from BigCal at JLab Pre-shower detector
13 Jan IP2 in January, 2011 Left/right symmetric HCal Left/right symmetric ECal Left/right symmetric preshower Trigger/DAQ electronics Blue-facing BBC Beryllium vacuum pipe Many thanks to C-A for the IP2 cleanup and run-11 implementation!
13 Jan Impact of IP2 Collisions IP2 collisions have begun <3 hours after physics ON with minimal impact on IP6,IP8 Thanks Angelika! Minimal impact on STAR,PHENIX Fri. 8 April 1.50 /bunch
13 Jan ~2mr crossing angle ~1.6mr crossing angle ~0mr crossing angle systematically increased thresholds for IP2 collisions Integrated Luminosity in Run-11 Presently, no accidentals correction (found to be large in some stores for ZDC). All rates are scaled by bunch- crossing scalers, following access and subsequent timing adjustments. Effective BBC cross section has been revisited through full simulations and now is in better agreement with vernier scan measurements (e.g., fill=15457) Jet analyzing power measurement sets goal of 10 / pb for run 11. Many thanks to C-A for IP2 collisions
13 Jan Jet Trigger Jet trigger sums HCal response excluding outer two perimeters (rather than just two columns closest to beam) Definition is consistent with objective of having jet thrust axis centered in hadron calorimeter modules Backgrounds not an issue HCal energy scale is now determined In total, >750M jet events recorded during RHIC run 11. Hadron calorimeter is quiet ~107ns before jet event Hadron calorimeter is quiet again ~107ns after jet event
13 Jan HCal Data/Simulation Intercomparison require: (1) 1-tower clusters; (2) E>1.8 GeV; (3) |x|>50 cm to avoid ECal shadow; (4) >1 clusters to form pairs; (5) E pair >5 GeV; (6) M pair <0.5 GeV; and (7) z pair <0.5. Apply to 20M BBCcol events in runs , , , , , , Apply to 20M PYTHIA events subjected to BBC charge sum trigger emulation (no vertex cut) Hadronic response also under study with prospects for and to correct h/ differences peaks from HCal HCal energy scale determined from reconstruction. Next step: jet A N
13 Jan Towards Forward Jets Good agreement between data and PYTHIA/GEANT simulation for summed HCal response excluding outer two perimeters of cells QCD backgrounds can be modeled Good agreement between data and simulation for jet shape Next up: forward jet analyzing power L. Nogach arXiv:
13 Jan Forward Jet Energy Scale Jet energy scale determined by association analysis of simulation Required to add ECal energy deposition to masked summed HCal response Small rescaling (<20%) of HCal energy scale is applied, likely to account for hadronic corrections L. Nogach arXiv:
13 Jan Status of Hadronic Response of HCal HCal detectors are not fully compensated, meaning h/ response corrections required Hadronic response focused on meson reconstruction, to assess calibration via mass peak. Likely the best solution will be combining clusters from ECal and HCal, but this awaits GEANT simulations with survey geometry For now, focus on , with all clusters in HCal (separately “photon” tagged and “hadron” tagged) Reconstruction from 20M PYTHIA/GEANT events looks promising
13 Jan BigCal from JLab 1744 element lead-glass calorimeter Some people from BigCal have joined AnDY! This is a picture of BigCal from a talk by Vina Punjabi at the Hall A collaboration meeting in June, Protvino Glass 32 column × 32 row submatrix 38mm × 38mm ×45cm TF1 glass from IHEP Yerevan Glass 30 column × 24 row submatrix 40mm × 40mm × 40cm TF1 glass from Yerevan Physics Institute. ~1200 cells from BigCal are now at BNL/IP2. Remaining 512 cells to come to BNL by end of July. Unpacked lead glass in 1002B FEU-84 Still packed cartons, courtesy of JLab
13 Jan ECal Design for Run 13 Existing vertical lift tables from AGS-E949 Thomson rails to move enclosures away from beam for servicing Stack insert to provide complete ECal coverage Major mechanical design for ECal installation in IP2 well advanced by C. Folz. Enclosure and cable management plans underway following visit to JLab/BigCal on 17 May. BigCal unstacking/packing and shipment to BNL now 2/3 complete, with goal of completed relocating of BigCal to BNL prior to end of July. Azimuthal coverage of ECal design is closer to “model 1” acceptance, thereby reducing L int requirements for 10K DY events Safety review in early August? C. Folz
13 Jan Run 11 Operations/Observations/Questions Some stores showed impact on STAR,PHENIX when IP2 collisions were initiated. This seemed to be most strongly correlated with tune adjustments. Tune swings just prior to IP2 collisions worked. Tune adjustments after IP2 collisions resulted in prolonged beam loss is scripted “tune swings” before IP2 collisions possible? Transverse spin Drell-Yan will require maximum possible P2L, and L>10 pb-1/week with P=50% would be beneficial to ANDY is there any possibility for *<1.5m at IP2? Should emphasis be shifted from L optimization to P 2 L optimization? Primary focus for run 11 was to establish IP2 collisions with minimal impact on STAR,PHENIX. Single-beam backgrounds were clearly observed for brief s NN =200 GeV AuAu run and perhaps could still be improved for s=500 GeV polarized pp. Some stores had large enough ZDC singles rates at IP2 with separation bumps in that there was confusion in STAR, PHENIX and MCR about when IP2 was in collision some development needed in run 12 for reducing single beam backgrounds at IP2 The 9MHz RF system was operational (!!). We saw no evidence for shorter bunches at IP2 from 9MHz RF system will bunches be shorter in run 12? If so, by how much? We plan significant increase in channel count for run 12. Commissioning will be required. Short IR access now lengthened by key retrieval/return to MCR can IP2 iris scanner be reactivated? Recent elevated dewpoint/temperatures have resulted in significant condensation for electronics cooling system is climate control for IP2 area possible?