Make a Difference Limit Screen Time & Decrease Media Influence Cara Karner MS, RD, LD, CDE Catherine Robinson MS, RD, LD, CDE
Today Only 50% of children regularly participate in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Only 36% of children have daily PE. 75% of pediatricians report that unstructured play has decreased 97% of pediatricians report that time in front of the computer/TV replaces unstructured play. Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Physician Specialty PanelHarris Poll Online, 2005
Screen Time and Media Influence Today U.S. Children watch TV an average of hours per week. They view 40,000 ads per year. Advertising exposure is related to childhood obesity, poor nutrition, cigarette and alcohol abuse. Pediatrics, 2006; Caroli, et al, 2004
Available Transportation We walk less Watch TV and eat while in a vehicle Exert less energy
Summary Don’t let the media influence you Spend more time being active Spend less time in front of the computer/TV or game.