Cell Structure and Function The icons on the slides are designed to help you remember the function of each cell part.
Cell Membrane A continuous, almost invisible structure surrounding the cell controls what enters and leaves
Cytoplasm The cell’s jelly-like environment Made mostly of water Contains salts, dissolved gasses, and wastes
Nucleus The cell’s control center or brain Uses DNA to control all cell activities Contains chromosomes
Ribosomes Creates the product of the cell – proteins that will become body structures
Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.) The cell’s transportation system Allows a place for cell reactions Ribosomes are attached to it.
Golgi Bodies Packs and carries proteins in little bubbles that separate and float into the cytoplasm.
Mitochondria The cell’s powerhouse Breaks down food and releases energy that the cells need Location of aerobic respiration
Lysosomes The cell’s recyclers Contain powerful digestive enzymes Break down worn out product to be used again