Painless Jaundice Randal Zhou M4
58 yo asian man presents w Jaundice x 2 months, upper abd discomfort, anorexia and pruritis Physical: jaundiced, icteric, pronounced hepatomegaly with smooth nontender liver, no ascites
Labs CBC – Hg 9.9 AST/ALT – mildly elevated Alk phos and ggt – marked incr INR – 1.1 Bili – 37 CEA, AFP – normal
DDX Cholangiocarcinoma Pancreatic cancer Primary duo cancer Choledocholithiasis Cholangitis Benign stricture Short segment, regular margin, symmetric, no ductal enhancement, no LN enlargment, no mass Liver mets HCC
US 1 st line in pts with obstructive jaundice Most common site of biliary adenocarcinoma is at or near the confluence of R/L hepatic ducts – Klatskin tumors Notice how ill-defined the tumor is.
CT Useful in diagnosing level of obstruction Difficult to identify mass Regions of thickening of the periductal parenchyma w altered caliber of involved duct. Intrahepatic biliary dilatation.
ERCP demonstrated marked dilated CBD with a 2cm stricture of CBD involving bifucation of R/L intrahepatics Sphincterotomy performed Stents placed across strictures CHD brushings revealed atypical cells concerning for cholangiocarcinoma
ERCP Superiority of ERCP to MRCP Right demonstrates shouldering at the hilum and multiple strictures Staging done is based on mass effect, irregular margins, and abrupt tapering.
MRCP Evaluation of biliary tree MRCP limitations include spatial resolution and inability to evaluate secondary to ducts
MRI Adds little to US and CT in est dx Isointense or slightly hyperintense areas on T2 images are due to the fibrous content of these tumors Hyperintense areas on T2-weighted images are due to mucous secretion within the lesion
MRI Planning tx, assessing for resectability Unresectable when: Bilateral extension Secondary ducts Hepatic parenchyma Hepatic artery or PV Occlusion of main PV N2 nodes (around pancreas) Distant mets Most challenging in patients with Klatskin tumors. 50% with Klatskins that are determined to be resectable preoperatively have unresectable disease intraoperatively.
References Case.aspx?test=7307&cat=156&group=63&page=28&sho w=1 Case.aspx?test=7307&cat=156&group=63&page=28&sho w=1 workup#a workup#a0722 ry-ducts-pathology.html ry-ducts-pathology.html overview#a2 overview#a2