Revised: March 23, 2010 Click anywhere on the screen to advance.
After completion of this training module, you should be able to: ◦ Define the “HAvBED” acronym ◦ List HAvBED inpatient bed types and categories ◦ Respond to a HAvBED event in EMResource ◦ Respond to a HAvBED Situation Assessment ◦ Create a HAvBED event in EMResource ◦ Develop a HAvBED data report in EMResource
The HAvBED Training Module includes: ◦ HAvBED Definitions ◦ Responding to a HAvBED Event ◦ Responding to a HAvBED Situation Assessment ◦ Creating a HAvBED Event in EMResource ◦ Creating a HAvBED Situation Assessment ◦ Creating a HAvBED Data Report
HAvBED Definitions
“HAvBED” stands for Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters. The HAvBED system was developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to rapidly assess hospital inpatient bed availability throughout the country.
Beds Available : Beds that are vacant and to which patients can be immediately transported. ◦ These must include supporting space, equipment, medical material, ancillary and support services and staff to operate under normal circumstances. ◦ These beds are licensed, physically available and have staff on hand to attend to the patients who may occupy the beds. ◦ Unless otherwise stated, in the HAvBED project, “Beds Available” refers to Vacant/Available Beds. Beds Licensed : This refers to the maximum number of beds for which a hospital holds a license to operate. ◦ Many hospitals do not operate all of the beds for which they are licensed.
The types of beds to be reported to the HAvBED Project include: ◦ Adult Intensive Care (ICU): beds that can support critically ill/injured patients, including ventilator support ◦ Medical/Surgical: also thought of as “Ward” beds ◦ Burn: thought of as Burn ICU beds, either approved by the American Burn Association or self-designated. (These beds are NOT to be included in other ICU bed counts.) ◦ Pediatric ICU: as for Adult ICU, but for patients 17 years and younger ◦ Pediatrics: “Ward Medical/Surgical” beds for patients 17 and younger
The types of beds to be reported to the HAvBED Project include: ◦ Psychiatric: “ward” beds on a closed/locked psychiatric unit or ward beds where a patient will be attended by a sitter. ◦ Negative Pressure/Isolation - Beds provided with negative airflow, providing respiratory isolation. NOTE: This value may represent available beds included in the counts of other types. ◦ Operating Rooms – An operating room that is equipped, staffed and could be made available for patient care in a short period of time.
This value will represent an informed estimate as to how many vacant (staffed, unoccupied) beds for each bed type above the current number that could be made available within 24 hours. This would include created institutional surge beds as well as beds made available by discharging/transferring patients.
This value will represent an informed estimate as to how many vacant (staffed, unoccupied) beds for each bed type above the current number that could be made available within 72 hours. This would include created institutional surge beds as well as beds made available by discharging/transferring patients.
Open – Accepting patients by ambulance Closed – Not accepting patients by ambulance N/A – Not Applicable (Hospital does not have an ED)
Available – The institution has chemical/biological/radiological multiple patient decontamination capability. Not Available – The institution is unable to provide chemical/biological/radiological patient decontamination.
Available: The number of ventilators that are present in the institution but are currently not in use and could be supported by currently available staff. Full feature: Is a continuous full life supporting ventilator that is intended to mechanically control or assist patient breathing by delivering a predetermined percentage of oxygen in the breathing gas. ◦ It would not include manual (e.g. ambu bags) or powered emergency resuscitators (demand valve or inhalator) that are intended to provide emergency respiratory support.
Pediatric Capable: denotes ventilators that can be used with pediatric patients (birth to 12 years of age). Rescue Therapies (any of the following): 1.ECMO or ECCOR (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or extra-corporeal carbon dioxide removal) 2.Inhaled nitric oxide 3.Inhaled epoprostenol sodium 4.Prone positioning with mechanical ventilation 5.High frequency oscillatory ventilation 6.Airway pressure release ventilation 7.Pressure control with inverse ratio ventilation (similar problem to # 6)
Responding to a HAvBED Event
When an event is created, you will hear an audible alert, as well as see a pop-up message that must be acknowledged.
All Events display in EMResource with a colored bar at the top of the screen. Click on the Event title in this bar to access event information and enter your bed data.
Fill in your facilities numbers and post message.
You may verify your facility data by clicking the event title to view current responses and totals.
Responding to a HAvBED Situation Assessment Event
A Situation Assessment Event may be created to obtain additional hospital status information, such as: ◦ BACKUP POWER BEING USED ◦ DAYS OF FUEL ◦ DECON LANES ACTIVATED ◦ EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN ACTIVATED ◦ EVACUATION ◦ GASES ◦ UTILITIES STATUS ◦ Etc… Responding to a Situation Assessment is much like responding to a standard HAvBED poll. Simply report the status for each category.
Creating a HAvBED Poll
A poll of the facilities ability to accept inpatients may be conducted in response to a local, regional, statewide, or national event. ◦ Select “Event” on the EMResource menu ◦ Select “Event Management”
◦ Select “Create New Event” ◦ Locate the appropriate event title and click “Create”
◦ Enter the Title for the event, beginning with the Control Facility’s initials (e.g. SCCF: HAvBED poll)
Check each appropriate box to indicate Receiving Facilities to include in HAvBed poll, and then “Save” the event.
◦ Return to the “View” screen on EMResource, and click the Event name on the colored bar to monitor the Receiving Facility capacity reports.
When the HAvBED Event is ended, all participating facilities will received a pop-up and notification. Click “Acknowledge All Notifications” to close box.
Running a HAvBED Data Report
Click on the “Report” tab. Select “Event Reports” from the sub navigation menu.
Choose “Event Detail” from the list.
A new screen will be opened. Enter the beginning and ending dates to search for the Event, using the correct format (mm/dd/yyyy). Clicking the calendar icon will open a calendar for easily selecting dates.
Choose the event template(s) you would like to include in the search by clicking in the box to the left of the template name (e.g. HAvBED Poll). Click on the “Next” button. A new screen will appear.
Click on the box for each event that should be included in the report.
Choose the resource(s) that should be included in the report by clicking on the box to the left of the resource name. Click on the “Generate Report” button.
The report data will appear in a new window. Users can view, save, and print reports from this window.
You have completed the review of the: HAvBED Training Module (for Users of EMResource © in CA Region III )