Carlos INFSO.E.3 Extended Home Environments in the IST 4th Call Cross Programme Themes
IHDNs: a key infrastructure to deliver MM to the end-user Specifications for Home Local Networks are available (from different sources (DVB, OSGI, etc) Specifications for Home Local Networks are available (from different sources (DVB, OSGI, etc) Different groups are currently working on Network Independent Protocols for IP based Broadband Interactive Services Different groups are currently working on Network Independent Protocols for IP based Broadband Interactive Services
Action Lines IV.6.2 and CPA1 to develop and experiment platforms for the integration of applications and services for the “extended” home (for private and/or for professional use within homes) to develop and experiment platforms for the integration of applications and services for the “extended” home (for private and/or for professional use within homes) platforms for ‘invisible’ intelligent devices that can be personalised and adaptive, for provision of services, exercising of specific tasks or control functions platforms for ‘invisible’ intelligent devices that can be personalised and adaptive, for provision of services, exercising of specific tasks or control functions
Scope Convergence of media and integration of broadcasting and interactive services Networked devices embedded in commonplace appliances Interoperability of home networking technologies and of networked appliances integration with public networks Test-beds and Applications
Infrastructure for Interactive MM DVB Multimedia Home Platform Internet TV Programs Home Network Broadcasting Gateway
All access channels interoperate … and all Roads lead to Home
CPA1 - The future “extended home” Courtesy of the IST “e-Home” Project
CPA1 - User requirements Affordability cost-effectiveness User friendliness ease of installation user-configurability inclusiveness, design-for-all Adaptability to user requirements Openness - Scalability of equipment and services Access to multitude of applications and services Adaptability to multi-linguistic/multi-cultural environments Safety, privacy and security
CPA1 - State of the Art Existence of multitude of home networks and initiatives Existence of multitude of home networks and initiatives –BatiBUS, European Installation Bus, European Home System (EHS), Consumer Electronic Bus (CEBus), X-10, Smart House, HBS, Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA), In-Home Digital Network (IHDN), etc. –Wireless solutions: IEEE , Shared Wireless Access Protocol and the HomeRF working group, Bluetooth, Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN), Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), Infra Red products (IRDA), HIPERLAN, etc. Shareware, platforms and architectures Shareware, platforms and architectures –Jini, LonWorks, Home Audio/Video Interoperability Architecture (HAVI), Microsoft Universal Plug and Play, Home Plug and Play (HPnP), etc. Protocols - gateways Protocols - gateways –the Convergence Protocol, Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGI), etc.
CPA1 - what is missing? USER REQUIREMENTS INTEGRATION INTEROPERABILITY INTER-WORKING TECHNOLOGY Content Consumer devices Communication networks Control Products and services for home applications
4th Call - some further information Key Action IV INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 27 September 2000
4th Call - some further information Available documentation Available documentation –running IST projects –running or finished EU funded projects under FPIV –presentation of the aims and objectives of CPA1 see at URL address: see at URL address: CPA1 is open under the 4th IST Call (June/July 2000) (closing date 31 October 2000) Evaluation of proposals (likely) in November 2000
CPA web pages on CORDIS