May 18, 2012 Mark Mueller DCF Grants and Contracts
What are we going to cover? What’s New about the Contract? Changes to the Scope of Services? How will it come, and how do you sign it? Who do you contact with questions?
What’s NEW? Shorter contract Scope of services (what the TFC Agency has to do) is an online document Paperless! Contract signature process is electronic
Shorter Contract First two pages have almost all of the most important information, including: Contact info Rate info Population served info Scope is going to be online
Scope of Services Scope of Services is the official description that defines what the TFC Agencies must do to meet their obligations to DCF/BMCW Can be found on the BMCW website
Scope of Services document opens as a Word document Can save or print a copy TFC Agencies will be notified if the Scope of Services changes for ANY reason
When will I get my contract? Contracts sent out and are in place DCF Contract number CFB00137
Highlighted Changes to the Scope Contract Language Revision: Item VIII. Accounting Requirements, under F. Eliminated this from the Scope of Services. The Cost Allocation plan is unnecessary under a rate regulation framework.
Highlighted Changes to the Scope Scope of Services Revisions: Exhibit 1, Scope of Services, item II.B.4. Revised to read: “Participation of all parties in Family Teaming meetings as necessary.” Exhibit 1, Scope of Services, item II.C. Eliminated this from the Scope of Services. (It required CPA’s to provide a copy of the TFC license, original home study, and relicensing study to the placement unit.)
Highlighted Changes to the Scope Exhibit 1, Scope of Services, item III.F. Eliminated this from the Scope of Services. (It enacted restrictions on emergency placements in L3/L4 homes licensed less than 1 year and the restriction that these homes will have no more than 1 child in placement at a time, and were inconsistent with licensing regulations for L3/L4 homes.
Highlighted Changes to the Scope Exhibit 1, Scope of Services, item VI. This section now begins with “A. The Contractor’s designated staff person or supervisor will immediately call the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare Access unit (220-SAFE) upon learning of an allegation of maltreatment occurring in a foster home licensed by its agency,” (The contract has requirements on TFC Agencies regarding referrals of maltreatment in a foster home, which need to be addressed in a timely fashion, and this new language puts the onus of communication in a more appropriate place.)
Highlighted Changes to the Scope Exhibit 1, Scope of Services, item IX.C. Eliminated this from the Scope of Services. (This was a requirement that TFC Agencies will provide referrals to early health and developmental services.)
How will I get my contract DocuSign Alerted that the Contract is available using Link in takes you to the DocuSign website Point, click, and submit! View the YouTube Video: “Signing your Document” (2:32)
Important things to remember! You need internet access and an address to receive and send the contract We need an accurate address and a phone number for the person who will sign the contract If you don’t see the contract by about June 20, check your spam filter If the notification isn’t in your span filter, and you still haven’t received the notification, call Mark Mueller You will not be able to change the contract when you receive it.
Who Do I Contact? Program, Scope, or Registration Questions: Jim Kania, BMCW Program Evaluation Manager Contract Routing Questions: Mark Mueller, DCF Finance Contract Specialist
Any Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Mark Mueller with any questions about the process of routing and receiving contracts!