New Principal Training Local School Audits July 21, 2014
Local School Audit Services In Fiscal Year 2013 RFP Awarded to Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC (M&J): Review of financial records of each school for fiscal year 2014, including but not limited to the following: Supporting documentation Bank Accounts Pre-numbered receipts Purchase orders Purchase Requisition/Check Request Form (FS-381) Checks Any other supporting documentation Financial transactions of Student class accounts Club accounts
Scope of Compliance Audit Financial Procedures Manuals, including but not limited to the following: Local School Accounting Procedures Manual Bookkeeper Operations Manual Chart of Accounts Procurement Card Manual Purchasing Regulations
Scope of Compliance Audit Board Policies and Administrative Rules, including but not limited to: DI Accounting and Reporting DIE-R Fraud Prevention DID-R Audits DJEE Local Purchasing DK-R Student Activities Funds Management JHA-R Student Activities Fund Raising
Audit Process M&J will: Contact Principal, via , at least 10 business days prior to fieldwork Schedule date for fieldwork Provide list of items to have available for review Provide Summary of Results Letter listing deficiencies identified during fieldwork No longer schedule a separate exit conference Provide Principal ample time to respond to deficiencies identified during the review
Audit Process Principal shall: Be available on the day of fieldwork Ensure Bookkeeper has obtained all requested information for the auditor’s review Ensure work space is available, including access to Power Internet (wireless or land-line) Telephone Respond to deficiencies identified during the review Request exit conference, if deemed necessary
Audit Process Bookkeeper shall: Be available on the day(s) of fieldwork Ensure requested information, including all supporting documentation, is available on the day of fieldwork Provide additional documentation/information upon request Arrange for any additional meetings with staff or other personnel at the school
Audit Process Internal Compliance will: Develop proposed schedule based on risk level Provide various items and listings requested by M&J prior to start of school fieldwork Provide guidance for Bookkeepers as requested Provide assistance to Principals as requested
On Site Visits Anticipated number of days One (1) for Elementary School Two (2) for Middle School Three (3) for High School
Contact Information Suzanne L. Hatfield, CPA, CGFM Internal Compliance Manager Debbie Randazzo Director, Internal Compliance