Annual Meeting 2015 Review of the Year by Trust Governors
21/10/ :54:402 Introduction The Trust has been a Foundation Trust since 1 July 2007 As part of becoming a Foundation Trust, a membership was established. The membership then elected people to represent them on the Council of Governors.
The Role of the Governor To hold the Non-Executive Directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board; To represent the interests of the Trust’s stakeholders in the governance of the organisation; and To communicate the key messages of the Trust to the electorate and appointing bodies. 21/10/ :54:403
4 Who are your Governors? The Council of Governors is made up of: 15 Public Governors in 8 constituencies 7 Staff Governors in 3 classes 5 Nominated Governors The Council of Governors is chaired by the Trust Chair, Ruth FitzJohn
Membership At the end of 2014/15, the Trust had a total membership of 7369, with 5020 public members and 2349 staff members
In 2014/15, the Governors: Met six times in the reporting period Appointed a new Non-Executive Director, Nikki Richardson and reappointed Martin Freeman Reappointed the External Auditors Assisted in the development of strategic plans and provided comments on drafts Developed a work programme for the coming year
In 2014/15, the Governors: Received presentations from services and the Chief Executive on various aspects of their work Received assurance from Non-Executive chairs of Board Committees as part of the process for holding the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board Endorsed the Membership planning process
In 2014/15, the Governors: Organised four local engagement events Reviewed the Trust’s Quality priorities Selected local Quality Report indicators to be audited Appointed a Lead Governor 21/10/ :54:408
In 2014/15, the Governors: Received and provided comments on service user feedback including complaints Received the Annual Report and Accounts Held a joint Annual General Meeting with the Board of Directors Agreed the process of appraisal for the Chair and the Non-Executive Directors 21/10/ :54:409
The Year Ahead Consider the appointment of a new Non- executive Director Continue to seek assurance that quality is being maintained while efficiency savings are realised Continue to promote Governor attendance at national networking events Become more efficient and effective as a Council
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