Holly Greening Executive Director Tampa Bay Estuary Program October 13, 2008 Holly Greening Executive Director Tampa Bay Estuary Program October 13, 2008 Non-agricultural regional fertilizer application recommendations
TBEP is protecting and restoring Tampa Bay Inter- governmental programInter- governmental program Started in 1991Started in 1991 science-based management planscience-based management plan Tampa Bay Estuary Program
TBEP Policy Board Partners
Tampa Bay is getting better! Seagrass coverage increased 6,000 acres since 1980sSeagrass coverage increased 6,000 acres since 1980s Water quality meeting current targetsWater quality meeting current targets Seagrass coverage increased 6,000 acres since 1980sSeagrass coverage increased 6,000 acres since 1980s Water quality meeting current targetsWater quality meeting current targets
-- Excess nitrogen clouds the water and reduces sunlight so seagrasses can’t grow. -- Baywide, residential runoff is 31% of total N load to bay Nitrogen is a critical pollutant of concern in Tampa Bay concern in Tampa Bay
Nitrogen Management Consortium: Public/Private Partnership maintaining improvements Collaborative approach to meeting regulated water quality goals Meeting current nutrient reduction goals since 1996 Collaborative approach to meeting regulated water quality goals Meeting current nutrient reduction goals since 1996
Costs to remove Nitrogen from waterways Costs to remove excess nitrogen from waterways can be significant. Stormwater retrofits can average around $20/lb of nitrogen, or $40,000 per ton (SWFWMD). $40,000 per ton (SWFWMD). Wastewater treatment upgrades are greater than that amount.
Nitrogen fertilizer and residential areas Homeowners use 6 times more fertilizer/acre than farmers (NAS study)Homeowners use 6 times more fertilizer/acre than farmers (NAS study) 79% of Nitrogen carried in groundwater to Lake Tarpon from lawn fertilizers (Pinellas study)79% of Nitrogen carried in groundwater to Lake Tarpon from lawn fertilizers (Pinellas study)
Development of Regional Non-agricultural Fertilizer Application Recommendations Facilitated four workshops between April-JuneFacilitated four workshops between April-June Participation from 42 private and public sector organizationsParticipation from 42 private and public sector organizations Consensus-based approachConsensus-based approach
Key recommendations endorsed by TBEP Policy Board Aug 2008 No application of N fertilizer from June 1- September 30 rainy season.No application of N fertilizer from June 1- September 30 rainy season. No application within 10 feet of a waterway or wetland. With a deflector shield, can apply to 3 feet.No application within 10 feet of a waterway or wetland. With a deflector shield, can apply to 3 feet.
Key Recommendations (cont.) Encourage 6-foot low maintenance (“no mow”) zone adjacent to waterways.Encourage 6-foot low maintenance (“no mow”) zone adjacent to waterways. Train and license all site supervisors of lawn care companies.Train and license all site supervisors of lawn care companies.
Key Recommendations (cont.) Create baywide license/certificate for reciprocal recognition across the region.Create baywide license/certificate for reciprocal recognition across the region. Provide education to reclaimed water irrigation users re: need for less nitrogen fertilizer.Provide education to reclaimed water irrigation users re: need for less nitrogen fertilizer.
Region 1 – Bradenton, Clearwater, Largo, Oldsmar, and Palmetto Region 2 – Hillsborough County, Tampa and north Pinellas Cty Region 3 – Pasco County Region 4 – Manatee County Region 5 – Zephyrhills Region 6 - St. Petersburg The total recommended annual application from both reclaimed and fertilizer is 4 lb N/1000 ft2.
Education: A Head Start Link Fertilizer Education Messages to Start of Hurricane Season.Link Fertilizer Education Messages to Start of Hurricane Season. Provide info about Fertilizer Use in Utility Bills/Newsletters.Provide info about Fertilizer Use in Utility Bills/Newsletters. Drop-down boxes on government web sites showing additional N needs, if any, with reclaimed waterDrop-down boxes on government web sites showing additional N needs, if any, with reclaimed water
Potential Nitrogen Reductions With moderate compliance (50%), implementing ordinances could reduce Nitrogen loading to Tampa Bay by nearly 84 tons per year.With moderate compliance (50%), implementing ordinances could reduce Nitrogen loading to Tampa Bay by nearly 84 tons per year. Potential cost savings of ~$ 3.3m per year if additional stormwater treatment needed to meet required reductions. Greater if wastewater upgrades are required.Potential cost savings of ~$ 3.3m per year if additional stormwater treatment needed to meet required reductions. Greater if wastewater upgrades are required. Potentially significant to meet FDEP/EPA regulatory requirements.Potentially significant to meet FDEP/EPA regulatory requirements.
Next Steps Draft model ordinance for Policy Board consideration Nov If endorsed, local government may adopt, but are not required.Draft model ordinance for Policy Board consideration Nov If endorsed, local government may adopt, but are not required.
Next Steps Include Point of Sale restrictions if possibleInclude Point of Sale restrictions if possible Provide technical background and costs/benefits of ordinanceProvide technical background and costs/benefits of ordinance Contact FDEP/EPA regarding possible regulatory (TMDL) credit for ordinanceContact FDEP/EPA regarding possible regulatory (TMDL) credit for ordinance
Thank you for your continued support of the TBEP Tampa Bay Estuary Program: Partnership for a Healthy Bay Non-agricultural regional fertilizer application recommendations Tampa Bay Estuary Program: Partnership for a Healthy Bay Non-agricultural regional fertilizer application recommendations