New Types of Reform Laws Parliament begins to investigate child labor and working conditions Parliament passed the Factory Act 1833 Parliament passed the Mines Act 1842 Parliament passed the Ten Hours Act 1847 In the U.S. organization of the National Child Labor Committee 1919 U.S. Supreme Court objected to federal child labor law (state rights) Individual States could regulate working hours
Abolition of Slavery England William Wilberforce led the fight for abolition United States Slavery ended at the end of the Civil War Puerto Rico ended 1873 Cuba ended in 1886 Brazil in 1888
Women’s Rights Britain Women served as inspectors were other women worked United States Educated women ran settlement houses – Jane Addams Wanted their own rights
Other Reforms Public Education led by Horace Mann in the United States Educate children to be good citizens and knowledgeable Prison Reform in 1831 – American prisons were seen as brutal conditions – New goal to provide prisoners with skills and traits to be useful in society when released