Federal Geographic Data Committee Update Ivan DeLoatch Executive Director, FGDC OS September 4, 2013 National Geospatial Advisory Committee Meeting
Topics GAO Response Actions Update A-16 Supplemental Guidance NGAC Nominations Update FGDC 2013 Annual Report FGDC Standards Activities NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) Agenda for 9/12/2013 Steering Committee Meeting 2
GAO Response Actions Update “OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication” GAO issued report GAO Nov. 26, Recommendations for FGDC, directed to the Steering Committee FGDC response was to commit to the execution of 3 actions Memo from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair to Steering Committee members directed the FGDC’s focus on these 3 actions in Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS,
GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) Action 1) Steering Committee to: Develop a plan with timeframe to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance Target Date: FY 2014, Q1 Responsible Officials: Adrian Gardner, NASA; Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS STATUS: Memo to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair, June 7, 2013 Identify agency Theme Leads/Co-Leads, Theme Executive Champions, and staff to participate in the development and review of the plan Initial draft Implementation Plan outline has been developed Agencies need to identify additional Theme representatives to complete the development of the initial plan Next Theme Lead’s meeting to be scheduled soon to discuss draft plan 4
GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) Action 2) Steering Committee to: Develop and implement guidance and timeframe for identifying planned geospatial investments using the Geospatial Platform Target Date: FY 2013, Q4 Responsible Officials: Jerry Johnston, DOI STATUS: Development of the “Marketplace” community on the Geospatial Platform is progressing. The shared Data.gov/Geospatial Platform metadata catalog now supports “planned” tagging for records Capability to visualize geographic data collection areas in development 5
GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) Action 3) Steering Committee to: Create and update a strategic plan with timeframe and implement the plan within the established time frame Target Date: FY 2014, Q1 Responsible Officials: Dan Cotter, DHS; Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS STATUS: Public comment period review of Version 2 closed. Third “leaders forum” held 8/26/13 for input. Primary discussion items at NGAC and Steering Committee meetings. Comments will be addressed and the Final Review Draft (V3) developed in Sept-Oct. Further details provided later in today’s meeting. 6
A-16 Portfolio Management Plan Laying the Groundwork Compared the theme datasets with Data.gov/Geospatial Platform records Developing a high level guidance and lessons learned for Theme leads Release of Theme Lead’s GeoPlatform community Develop data lifecycle maturity guidance Theme Leads/dataset managers validate dataset inventory Develop dashboard, tools, and theme communities on the Geospatial Platform Aligning the Portfolio Implementation Plan with the NSDI Strategic Plan 7
Implementation Plan Schedule 8 Timeframe Activity Feb 1 st Theme and dataset managers meeting to discuss approach Apr 4 Theme lead conference call June 6 FGDC Executive Committee Meeting Jun 7 Direction memo to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair to Identify: Theme Leads/Co-Leads, Theme Executive Champions, staff to develop and review plan Jun 13 FGDC Steering Committee Meeting Jul 8 Implementation planning meeting Sept 4 Implementation Plan 1 st draft released for core team review Sep 12 Steering Committee Meeting and request for additional representatives to work on plan Sep 16 Distribute 1 st draft to Theme Leads and agency representatives Sep Theme Leads/agency representatives meeting to develop and refine draft plan Oct Distribute Implementation Plan to SteerCom/CoordGroup/NGAC for review/comment Oct Theme Leads/agency reps adjudicate comments and develop Working Draft* *Plan implementation is supported by Geospatial Platform tools still to be developed. The working draft plan will be revised to align with actual implementation solutions as they are developed.
A-16 Supplemental Guidance Implementation Plan Outline Executive Summary What is a Portfolio Scope of A-16 Portfolio Portfolio Management Approach and Timelines Implementation Processes, Actions, and Products Executive Management of the Portfolio Data Theme Management Data Set Management Metrics Expected Outcomes Tying to National Priorities and Initiatives 9
NGAC Nominations Update Status: 16 of the current 29 NGAC appointments will expire in December nominations received – another strong set of candidates Review Panel: Interagency review panel evaluating nominations and developing recommendations to DOI Office of the Secretary Timeline: August: Nominations period close August 12 September: Review panel will meet to evaluate nominations and develop recommendations Sept-Dec: Appointments reviewed/approved/signed December: Announcement of new appointments expected 10 Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None
2013 FGDC Annual Report Featured Topic: Geospatial Platform 2.0 Includes: highlights, success stories, next year’s goals, challenges, overviews of: leadership, structure, National Geospatial Data Assets Contributions from across the Federal agencies Initial draft is complete, currently in editing and layout FGDC Coordination Group will review in October Projected completion: mid-December Last year’s report available at reports/annual%20reports/ reports/annual%20reports/ Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC,
FGDC Standards Activities FGDC Endorsed Standards in 2013 Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) version 1, with concurrent withdrawal of ISO :2006 on country codes OGC® WaterML 2.0: Part 1- Time series ISO 19156:2011, Geographic information - Observations and measurements Time-Space-Position Information (TSPI) standard version 2.0 Wetlands Classification Standard revision 12
FGDC Standards Activities (cont.) Next FGDC Standards Working Group meeting. Topics: For recommendation for FGDC endorsement Web Feature Services (WFS) 2.0 ISO 639, Codes for the representation of names of languages ISO 80000, Quantities and units Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1 U.S. Government Real Property Asset Data Standard For recommendation for withdrawal: Spatial Data Transfer Standard, all parts 13 Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, (703)
NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) FGDC OS will not be soliciting projects for FY2013 or FY2014. A result of budget reductions and sequestration, the Federal funding portion of this cost-share program is no longer available. Active projects will continue to be supported through their scheduled completions would have marked the 20 th anniversary of this long-standing collaborative cost-share program between Federal and non-federal partners to advance the nation’s spatial data infrastructure. FGDC OS official announcement is on the FGDC website 14 Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC,
NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) Since 1994, 707 awards representing over $22 million in Federal funding. Matched by over $14 million in funding from State, county, local, and tribal government academia, professional consortiums, non-profit, and private sector organizations. Many repeat awardees represent active NSDI partners. CAP has helped lay the foundation and provide the guidance for advancing the NSDI. Truly national in scope, cooperative agreements were executed by all 50 States, 2 territories, the District of Columbia, 8 tribal governments, and universities in 38 States. Categories adapted regularly to align with priorities and current initiatives – 45 categories to date. Foundational categories were consistently available: standards development, implementation, education, and outreach; metadata, data clearinghouses; and data services. In only the past seven years, over 2,600 persons have been trained in metadata alone; all CAP developed training materials are available online, to all. 15
Overview of 9/12 Steering Committee Meeting September 12, 1:00-3:00 pm, South Interior Building Auditorium (1 st Floor) 1:00 – 1:10Welcome/Introductory Remarks; Leadership UpdateAnne Castle, DOI, Chair 1:10 – 1:25NSDI Strategic Plan Dan Cotter, DHS; Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS 1:25 – 1:40A-16 Implementation Plan Adrian Gardner, NASA; Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS 1:40 – 1:55Geospatial PlatformJerry Johnston, DOI 1:55 – 2:15 HIFLD Proposal (FGDC Alignment/Infrastructure Data) Dan Cotter, DHS 2:15 – 2:30NGAC Meeting SummaryJerry Johnston, DOI 2:30 – 3:00 Governmental Units, and Administrative and Statistical Boundaries Theme Report Tim Trainor, Census Bureau 3:30Wrap up and Adjourn 16