Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay “Risking Without Fear of Failure: Performing With Results” – Carmen Farina (NYC School Chancellor ) SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT: SEMESTER 2 Step #5 CELEBRATION 2
Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program “Body Beautiful” Service Learning Project Step 5 I.Theme/Topic: Celebration – FASHION SHOW/PROM Core Competencies of Focus: Communication Skills 1. Understand body image as a social construct. “What do people see when they see me?” 2. Recognize negative aspects of advertising and how it targets young people “What messages am I sending into the world and am I sending mixed messages?” 3. Create positive perceptions of their own body image. Lifelong Learning Skills 1. Demonstration of their self assessed social views of How “my world” views me. 2. Demonstration of their emotional views of How I view myself in “the world”. 3. Demonstration of their academic overview of Am I astute enough to navigate the “world around me”?. Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes Group Size: 20 – 30 Male and Female Participants Ability Level: High School Juniors and Seniors Class Material: Workshop Handouts RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay
Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay II. Procedure: Participants will be lead in a group activity that will afford them the opportunity to establish workshop rules (Community Agreement) to encourage a safe environment for group discussion. Ice Breaker: “From the Dress Up” Handout Introduce the Exercise – “Celebration” FASHION SHOW/PROM III. Activity Defining –Participants will be lead in a final rehearsal. The participants will discuss their comfort levels in and for a fashion show prom environment. Are they comfortable and/or familiar with walking in a show. Participants will also discuss “Body Beautiful” how the project impacted their perceptions. Break larger group into smaller cohorts to identify similar views. IV. Debriefing Participants will establish principles discussed from the above exercise that my now be measured in participant service goals. (i.e. Life Skills, Leadership Development etc.) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay V. Instructor Comments/Observations: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay “ Risking Without Fear of Failure: Performing With Results” – Carmen Farina (NYC School Chancellor) SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT: SEMESTER 2 STEP #5 CELEBRATION - ICEBREAKER Name ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Instructor: Mrs. Erica Walcott “From the Dress Up” In this step we will be discussing Proms and Fashion Shows “From the Dress Up”. Take some time to think about fashion shows and proms. Lets look at some areas of both environments and see how and what their impacts are on youth positively or Negatively. Hair & Make UpComfortable dressing areas Prom King/QueenStylists FittingsGuests/Dates MusicJewelry ShoesBody Hygiene Tell me in a few words which of these areas do you think are the most important areas and why. ____________________________________________________________________
Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation Education, Employment & Career Development Services (EECDS) In-School Youth (ISY) Program RDRC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION 1920 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway NY, (Phone) (Fax) Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY/TDD /Voice Relay “ Risking Without Fear of Failure: Performing With Results” – Carmen Farina (NYC School Chancellor) SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT: SEMESTER 2 STEP #5 CELEBRATION – FASHION SHOW/PROM Name ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Instructor: Mrs. Erica Walcott Is the type of dress/suit you want to wear going to send a positive message? ____________________________________________________________ What is the message that you want to people to have of you? ____________________________________________________________ Have you considered how the message that you want to send is going to impact your future? And is It a perception that can follow you through life positively? ____________________________________________________________