Entity-activity table Event Diagram Use Case Diagram Activity Table Chapter 2 Problem 7 Mock Test Entity-activity table Event Diagram Use Case Diagram Activity Table Domain Class Diagram
Q1: Draw an Entity-Activity Table Steps to follow: Put each sentence on a new line Number the sentences Highlight the “actor” and the related “activity”. It is very important to connect the right actor with it’s activity Set up the table Rather include ‘more’ information than ‘less’ We will eliminate some processes later to arrive at the final table
Entity-Activity Table: (Complete?) Line Nr Activity purchasing department 1 purchase requests from other dept’s customers 2 initiate the original purchase request case worker 3 receives the request monitors request Case workers 4 process requests < R 1 500 write a purchase order send it to the approved vendor Supplier 5 6 Send for bidding, request >= R1 500 Sends bids Case worker Selects one bid Place order with vendor
Problem/Solution Space: Problem Space: Processes that are required to describe the problem, but are NOT required to describe the solution. Solution Space: Identifying processes that are required both to describe the problem, and to develop a solution Ref: The New Software Engineering, by S Conger, 1994, page 469
Problem Space: Line Nr 1: Line Nr 3: “The purchasing department receives requests from other departments”: This is a problem description. Doesn’t say much about the “how”: the next three lines describe the “how”, being spesific. Sort of introduces us to what they like to automate Line Nr 3: “Monitor the request”: Our system will monitor it. That is our objective. Very vague statement
Solution Space: What is the problem, and HOW are we solving it: (What is the essence?) The purchase dept receives a request, transform it to an PO, placed with some suppliers. It also fundamental to understand WHAT are we automating It is a good idea to make some assumptions at this stage
Problem Domain: Is the specific area of the user’s business that is included within the scope of the new system.
Assumptions: We are NOT automating the bidding process This will give a supplier access to our system jeopardizing product prices, and our relationships with other suppliers Such a decision must be taken at the strategic management level. Ref: “Inter-organization SCMS”, pages111-115, Management Information Systems, by Oz and Jones (2008)
Entity-Activity Table: Line Nr Activity purchasing department 1 purchase requests from other dept’s customers 2 initiate the original purchase request case worker 3 receives the request monitors request Case workers 4 process requests < R 1 500 write a purchase order send it to the approved vendor Supplier 5 6 Send for bidding, request >= R1 500 Sends bids Case worker Selects one bid Place order with vendor
Activity Diagram: Some scholars will draw the activity diagram at this point. We will analyze the business processes more for a deeper understanding.
Q2: Draw an Event Table Steps: Identify all events: external, state, and temporal An event is something or an occurrence that occurs at a specific time and place, can be precisely identified, and must be remembered by the system Complete the table.
Event Table: Customer wants to place a request to order Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination Customer wants to place a request to order Request Inquiry Customer Place a request Request Information Case worker places an order New Order Case Worker Place an Order Order Details Case worker; Supplier
Q3: Use Case Diagram What does the system do when the event occurs? Use case is important to define functional requirements The diagram is high level of abstraction: modeling the business logic. Platform, or technical Independent Check out the next slide: Open for discussion!
Points to take notice of: <<includes>> or <<uses>> The included use case always occurs whenever the use case which it includes <<extends>> Augments the behavior of the use case which it extends Explain the next slide!
Explanation: The use case Provide Exam Results may <<extend>> the use case Provide Enrollment The former does not always extend the latter use case: new students do not yet have exam results The <<includes>> always signifies that the former use case includes the latter. Before a study program can be entered, it must be a valid program of study.
Q4: Activity Diagram
Q5: Develop a class domain model At this stage you must have a pretty good idea what you are modeling ….. Identify classes: Analyze all the above descriptions and apply the Noun technique classes + attributes Identify relationships Make sure the above “describe the business rules” of the proposed system