All About Me Mr. Mullins Date: You need a good background image 2 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition This is just a template. Do not use this for your project. My Favorite Things My Future My Family My Friends My School
My Favorite Things Sport, color, car, actor, actress, song, group, rapper, singer, movie, t.v. show, food, candy, ice cream, book, vacation, subject, teacher, friends, store, shoes, clothes brand, video game, things to do, number, etc. You need links to your other slides and a home button like the Zoo PowerPoint You need at least 2 links to websites that relate to this topic (Woodland Park Zoo) You need a background gradient 5 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition
My Future College, career, job, car, where do you want to live, what kind of house, family, marriage, kids, travel, high school, $$$, pets, car, boat, vacation, etc. You need links to your other slides and a home button like the Zoo PowerPoint You need at least 2 links to websites that relate to this topic You need a background gradient, color or image 5 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition
My Family Mom, dad, brother, sister, pets, where are you from, traditions, favorite things to do together, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, religion, etc. You need links to your other slides and a home button like the Zoo PowerPoint You need at least 1 link to a website that relates to this topic You need a background gradient, color or image 5 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition
My Friends Best friends, why are you friends, what do you like to do together, how long have you been friends, etc. Note: Don’t just list them You need links to your other slides and a home button like the Zoo PowerPoint You need at least 1 link to a website that relates to this topic You need a background gradient, color or image 5 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition
My School Elementary, McKnight, Hazen High School, college, favorite teacher, favorite subject, GPA, Schedule, Favorite grade level, class of 2018 You need links to your other slides and a home button like the Zoo PowerPoint You need at least 2 links to websites that relate to this topic (McKnight website) You need a background gradient, color or image 5 Clip arts or images Animations and slide transition