Matching High-Skilled Careers and Colleges 6 th Grade High-Skilled Careers #6 Microsoft, 2011
Pre-Test 1.What Naviance screen lists a group of colleges for a selected career? 2.What is an important link on most colleges website? 3.What Naviance screen contains a list of possible colleges students select?
Objectives Review the last lesson Identify postsecondary institutions that match your careers of interest Learn new ways to add careers of interest list on Naviance Update Postsecondary Plan
Review The Naviance screen that helps students find a job description for a career – Explore Careers: Overview tab The ype of code that helps students make informed decisions about possible career paths – Holland Code The Naviance screen to find annual salary information for a career – Explore Careers: Wages tab
My Careers
School Counselor
Colleges: School Counselors
School Counselor
Colleges: School Counselors
Update Postsecondary Plan
Identify Colleges of Interest Find “Related College Majors” on Naviance Career screens for careers of interest Research colleges for those careers on Naviance and college websites Add colleges to your “colleges I am thinking about” list if you find colleges of interest Add colleges and career match to your Postsecondary Plan
Post-Test 1.What Naviance screen lists a group of colleges for a selected career? 2.What is an important link on most colleges website? 3.What Naviance screen contains a list of possible colleges students select?
Review The Naviance screen that lists a group of colleges for a selected career – College Lookup An important link on most colleges website – Academics The Naviance screen that contains a list of possible colleges students select – Colleges I am Thinking About
References Microsoft Office Images. (2011). Retrieved from us/images/