Question of the Day Question: How much of a 100g uranium sample is left after 2 half lives? Answer: ……… Turn In: - p. 588 CYU 1 – 6 -Half Life Cubes Lab
How to Fossilize Yourself:
Types of fossils Body fossils: bones, teeth, shells, tree trunks etc Trace fossils: footprints, worm burrows, leaf prints etc
Who Studies Fossils? Paleontologists: scientists that study fossils Paleo- = old Many work with microscopic fossils
How Fossils Form Animal or plant dies IF Nothing eats the organism right away AND The organism/ footprint doesn’t get washed away AND the organism is buried in sediment (sand, mud etc) very soon after it dies (ex: sinking in mud) AND There is no oxygen in the surrounding environment AND The chemicals in the bones/ plant material are replaced by other minerals THEN the bones will become fossils
Things to Remember about Fossils Form in sedimentary rock ONLY millions of years old not the actual bone they are a “model” of the original bone/footprint made of minerals very, very rare many conditions have to be perfect to form them (most organisms do not become fossils)
Fossil Footprints Purpose: To make observations about a set of footprints and to determine four scenarios based upon those observations. Procedure: Utilizing the 4 scenarios of footprints, make at least 2 observations and 2 inferences for each scenario.
Blood on the Tracks