WINGS Report
International Meeting of Associations serving Grantmakers (IMAG) in Oaxaca, Mexico Recognized importance of creating opportunities for all organizations supporting grantmakers to share experiences and expertise across countries, regions and environments.
IMAG developed into the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) WINGS operations began. Participants in WINGS are grantmaker associations, support organizations and emerging philanthropic initiatives.
In 2000, WINGS started with _____ members. At the end of 2006, WINGS had 135 network participants from 60 countries. As of today, November 2010, WINGS has 147 members in 55 countries.
V I S I O N A strong, global philanthropic community that strives to build more equitable and just societies around the world.
M I S S I O N WINGS is a worldwide network that seeks to strengthen philanthropy and a culture of giving through mutual learning and support, knowledge sharing and professional development among its participants. WINGS also strives to give voice and visibility to philanthropy at a global level.
New WINGS Members International Network of Women’s Women’s Funds (Mexico) 2. Association of Community Foundations (Czech Republic) 3. The Banking Association South Africa 4. Federation of Polish Community Foundations 5. Community Foundation Movement (Latvia) 6. The South African Community Grantmakers Leadership Cooperative 7. Charities Aid Foundation (South Africa) 8. Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (Singapore)
The heart of WINGS role is to strengthen capacities of grantmaker associations and support organizations. > Peer Learning Activities (click slide 7 & 8) > One-2-One Exchange (click slide 9) > Technical Assistance
8 Peer Learning Activities Communication Strategies for Grantmaker Associations Strengthening Peer Learning Events Effectively Engaging Corporations (Global/Regional) Sustainability of Grantmaker Associations and Support Organizations (Global/Regional)
31 WINGS members participated for the first time ____ or ____% of WINGS members participated in the 8 PLEs The average over-all rating of the PLE by the participants is 4.44 with 5 as the highest.
The heart of WINGS role is to strengthen capacities of grantmaker associations and support organizations. > Peer Learning Activities (click slide 7 & 8) > One-2-One Exchange (click slide 9) > Technical Assistance
4 One-2-One Exchanges Asia - Association of Philanthropy Indonesia Europe - Aktive Bürgerschaft e.V. (Active Citizenship) South Africa - Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Committee of the Banking Association South Africa South Africa - South African Community Foundation Association (SACOFA)
The heart of WINGS role is to strengthen capacities of grantmaker associations and support organizations. > Peer Learning Activities (click slide 7 & 8) > One-2-One Exchange (click slide 9) > Technical Assistance
RESOURCES Global Status Report of Community Foundations Global Status Report of Community Foundations 3. Global Institutional Philanthropy: A Preliminary Status Report 4. Current Landscape of Corporate Social Responsibility 5. Tool Kit on Emergent Learning 6. Made available to network participants 155 new materials in the e-Library
Resources in Progress Available at the start of 2011 CF Principles/ Certification/ Benchmarks CF Principles/ Certification/ Benchmarks Tool Kit on Effectively Engaging Corporations Tool Kit on Effectively Engaging Corporations Tool Kit on Sustainability Tool Kit on Sustainability
Map of WINGS members in collaboration with the Foundation Center (NY) Note: Paz, could you show sample of what can be seen from web so that th audience will feel like they are looking at the website
WINGSForum 2010 Attended by 139 13 from Asia and the Pacific 57 from Europe 16 from Latin America and the Caribbean Caribbean 10 from North Africa and the Middle East East 30 from North America 13 from Sub-Saharan Africa
Ensure the internal stability and sustainability of WINGS Two important decisions: Incorporate Stop rotation and transfer to more permanent location
More engaged WINGS members More support from WINGS members (partial scholarships for activities instead of full scholarships) More volunteer time good example is Project Coordinator of 2010 CF GSR Key decisions to ensure the long- term sustainability of WINGS