GREAT NORTHERN DISTRICT, UMW Debbie Cole, Treasurer Local UMW Treasurer Training
BASIC GUIDELINES FOR THE TREASURER Open a checking account in the name of United Methodist Women. Obtain the tax-exempt identification number from the Ca-Nv Conference UMW treasurer
OBTAIN THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES: A Ledger Book Local Remittance Form Pledge Card “WHERE THE MONEY GOES” brochure [link from Great Northern District webpage]
File all signed pledge cards until next Pledge Service. Record contributions received at meetings and other occasions. Write checks for all aproved disbursements.
Send all funds, except those designated for mission locally and for local Administration and Membership Development (AMD),to the DISTRICT TREASURER You will receive forms required for remittances.
SEND REMITTANCE, Approved by unit, promptly to the DISTRICT TREASURER Quarterly remittances are due to the district treasurer by the first Friday of March, June, September and December “Empty the treasury” at the end of the year after keeping minimum amount necessary to carry the unit into the first few months of the year.
QUESTIONS CLARIFICATION INFORMATION Contact: Debbie Cole, Treasurer (click) About|District|Great Northern District