Group members Fartun Abdi Ahmed, GTZ, refugee representative Otom Celestine, Futures Group Herman Tirwosha, UNHCR Namubiru Lydia Mugalu, Mbogo HC Dan Koros, IRC Mary Otieno, UNFPA Wilma Doedens, UNFPA (facilitator)
STI/HIV/AIDS Review 2006 TOR 1.Compile standardized package of training materials Status: No standardized package yet Many materials exist (WHO STI modules, MSI curriculum, national training materials on VCT, PMTCT, mgmt of OI, ARV, GIPA-guidance note from UNAIDS,..) Challenges (How) is training conducted, who can train, who provides funding for transport and materials? Recommendations: Compile a comprehensive list of training materials and supporting documents IAWG agencies must put training on STI/HIV/AIDS in their work plan and budget Develop a set of 2-day refresher trainings for in-service training
STI/HIV/AIDS Review 2006 TOR 2.Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on HIV/AIDS in emergencies Status: Ongoing with involvement of ARC, IRC, UNFPA, and Women’s Commission Recommendation: Continue advocacy for inclusion of RH in guidelines 3.InterAction HIV/AIDS working group? Status: Unknown Recommendation: Remove from TOR
STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8 Better involve community to improve quality and access and address stigma Challenges: Community programmes and IEC messages should be developed based on research on local culture and beliefs Activity: Develop guide on designing community programs to address stigma: outline research methodologies, good practices, examples of messages, lessons learned, etc. (IRC/UNFPA/UNHCR/…) Increase use of “Positive Lives” exhibition & community discussion guide (UNFPA/UNHCR/ IAWG members)
STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8 Improve access to information and services for young people Challenges Parents are the main barrier to opening youth centres or including SRH in school curricula, Need parent-focused interventions (i.e.: “peer parents”) Activity: develop culturally appropriate film/video/DVD (like “love in a time of AIDS” of UNHCR) showing parents explaining their concerns and why they approved of access to RH information and services for their children. (GTZ/refugee representative/MBogo HC /UNHCR /UNFPA/…)
STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8 Develop programmatic guidance for humanitarian settings on: Use of RDTs for syphilis screening in ANC, blood transfusion and STI services (WHO/UNFPA/IRC) Cervical cancer screening/prevention FP, STI and postnatal care services (UNFPA/SCF/JHPIEGO/Dr Mike/WHO)
STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8 Program implementation: IAWG programme managers must take climate conditions into account when providing ARVs and other RH medicines and commodities to their programs Add ARV, STI and OI management drugs to MISP Future discussions/modes of communication: contact and 3-monthly audio conferences