Determination of the Rate of the Light Dependent Pathway as measured by the reduction of DPIP PHOTOSYNTHESIS LAB
PURPOSE Demonstrate the reduction of substrates as a result of the action of the Light Dependent reactions of photosynthesis Compare the rate of chemical reduction between Live chloroplasts exposed to light Heat killed chloroplasts exposed to light Live chloroplasts kept in darkness
RATIONALE Absorption of light by pigments is the result of movement of electrons in those pigments between different energy levels The formation of sugars results from the reduction of carbon using energetic (excited) electrons coming from the light dependent reactions occurring in the thylakoids In normal photosynthesis, the coenzyme NADP+ is reduced by excited electrons. The NADP+ carries those electrons to the stroma for use in the light independent pathways (Calvin Cycle) The dye DPIP is an oxidizing agent, and can be reduced by the photosystem as well. The DPIP becomes colorless when it is reduced, allowing students to measure the rate of reduction as a function of the color change in the DPIP The color change of DPIP will be measured as a change in transmittance of light (as determined with the Spec20 spectrophotometer)
PROCEDURE Prepare 4 small test tubes for use in the experiment. Each tube will contain 5 mL of material including 1.0mL of phosphate buffer and distilled water to total 5.0mL. See the chart below for the contents of each tube Tube 1 will be used to calibrate the Spec20. It will contain no DPIP Tubes 2, 3, and 4 will be the experimental tubes containing DPIP Tube 2 will contain live chloroplasts, kept dark by a sleeve of aluminum foil Tube 3 will contain live chloroplasts, exposed to light Tube 4 will contain heat killed chloroplasts, exposed to light All 4 tubes will be placed in a test tube rack equidistant from a light source Each tube will be tested for transmittance by the Spec20 in 5 minute intervals for 15 minutes
The Spec20 allows the user to control the wavelength of light being used, to project that light through a sample, and measure the transmittance of light passing through the sample The Spec20 can also be used to determine the amount of light being absorbed by the sample THE SPEC20 SPECTROPHOTOMETER
The knob on the top of the Spec20 is used to set wavelength. Notice the display reads 605. This device is now set to measure transmittance of light at 605 nanometers. This wavelength is at peak absorption for the dye DPIP being used in this lab SETTING THE WAVELENGTH
All sensitive lab instruments need to be calibrated. The device needs to “know” what zero transmittance is, and what 100% transmittance is. With the sample receptacle empty, use the left hand knob to set transmittance to zero CALIBRATION: STEP 1 – SETTING YOUR ZERO
Some amount of light will be absorbed by the test tube being used, and by the water the sample is dissolved in. We have to calibrate the Spec20 to ignore that so our data considers only the contents of our sample Place the “blank” into the port. The blank contains distilled water and the nonreactive components of our sample CALIBRATION: STEP 2 - INSERT THE BLANK
With the blank inserted, use the right hand knob to set the transmittance to 100% The Spec20 will now show transmittance as if the test tube, water, and buffer were not present in your sample CALIBRATION: STEP 3 – SET FULL SCALE
tube 1tube 2tube 3tube 4 phosphate buffer 1.0 mL distilled water 4.0 mL3.0 mL DPIP solution none1.0 mL unboiled chloroplast suspension 3 drops none boiled chloroplast suspension none 3 drops The chart above shows the contents of each test tube. Each tube will contain the same total volume of materials Use a 10.0 mL graduated cylinder to measure out all but the chloroplast suspensions Add the chloroplast suspensions directly to each test tube as prescribed, immediately before inserting into the Spec20 for your first measurement PREPARING THE TEST SAMPLES FOR CALIBRATION DARK/FOIL LIGHT HEAT KILLED
The 4 tubes must now be exposed to light so that photosynthesis can occur. Tube 1 will be used to recalibrate for each new data set Tube 2 is covered with foil to prevent exposure to light Tube 3 contains live chloroplast suspension exposed to light Tube 4 contains boiled chloroplast suspension, exposed to light PREPARING THE APPARATUS
HYPOTHESIS AND PREDICTIONS What effect will darkness have on the rate of photosynthesis? What effect will boiling the chloroplast suspension have on the activity of the chloroplasts? Why? Which test tube(s) should have the highest rate of photosynthesis? Why? Which test tubes(s) should have the lowest rate of photosynthesis? Why?
Transmittance 0 minutes5 minutes10 minutes15 minutes tube 2 - unboiled, dark tube 3 - unboiled, light tube 4 - boiled, light Expose the test tubes to light Use the Spec20 to measure transmittance every 5 minutes Enter your data as shown below COLLECTING DATA
GRAPHING YOUR DATA Construct a graph of Transmittance vs Time Your graph should have 3 lines Tube 2 – live chloroplasts, kept in the dark Tube 3 – live chloroplasts, exposed to light Tube 4 – heat killed chloroplasts, exposed to light The slope of each graph will represent the rate of photosynthesis for that sample
YOUR CONCLUSION As in every lab activity, your conclusion should accomplish 3 things 1.Compare the results with your predictions Make note of any procedural issues that may have cause “glitches” in your results 2.Evaluate the validity of your hypothesis 3.Make a statement that satisfies the purpose Make sure your conclusion is clear, concise, and thorough. Do include explanations that clarify the logic behind your conclusion Do include suggestions for improving your procedure Do not include padding to add to your word count