4th HIV/AIDS COP 5-7 June 2007, Moscow, Russia Regional HIV/AIDS Vulnerability research
WHY ? UNDP’s mandate human development,governance, legislative, human rights and gender challenges of the AIDS epidemic. Regional Challenges Extreme social exclusion, stigma & discrimination Challenges to outreach IDUs, SWs, MSM, Putting a “human face” on the epidemic
WHAT? 1. To identify barriers and access to: - healthcare - education - employment 2. To prepare targeted policy options for governments and societies to reduce PLHIV vulnerability 3. To form the basis of a high-visibility advocacy initiative based on a special Regional Human Development Report on HIV/AIDS.
RHDR 2008 Georgia, Turkey, Russia (4 regions), Ukraine & Uzbekistan 2007 Development of methodology and piloting it Estonia and Kaliningrad, RF January- December 2006 STEP BY STEP
HOW? In-house methodology – used for Roma research UNAIDS Stigma Index Customized small-sample qualitative research In-depth semi-structured interviews with PLHIV Focus groups with mirror institutions
WHEN? 1. Research Teams Training, February Desk review & Community mapping, March- April II Training & data collection May Final Country reports, October III Training, September Share preliminary findings with partners, August- September Regional HDR, December Finalized country reports, 31 July Data collection and analysis June- July National roundtables, September 2007 Regional Human Development Report
Blackboard software Online dissemination of all research related documents
WITH WHOM? Partnerships at country level: Research institutions Civil society & PLHIV Joint UN Teams /UN TG
Country experiences: Georgia (ongoing) Serbia and Montenegro (LSHTM & UNDP)