Página: 1Member of:Página: 1 GF grant implementation: getting it right Presented by: Balbina Santos ECOSIDA
Página: 2Member of: ECoSIDA-Mozambique Business Coalition against HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria ECoSIDA officially launched in 2005 (August) 85 member companies Until now 590 enterprises are implementing HIV and AIDS programs. Malaria and TB integrated in More than 50,000 people tested for HIV EcoSIDA is member of CCM in Mozambique since 2006
Página: 3Member of: The Civil Society led by FDC submitted a HIV&AIDS proposal to the GF Round 9 together with the MoH. It is the first time in the country that CS organization will be a PR (FDC – HIV and World Vision - Malaria). EcoSIDA is a sub-recipient. Project start date planned for January Civil society organizations and EcoSIDA build up a collaborative framework for this proposal.
Página: 4Member of: Critical sucess factors in business partnerships with GF Companies are willing to match funds for interventions supported by the GF(R9 - prevention, BCC communication, testing, training employees, peer education, treatment) Leadership and commitment of companies top management essential for the success of programs Visibility and recognition of companies interventions is important for managers
Página: 5Member of: Needs for grant recipients to enhance private sector partnerships Improve coordination Clear targets for each CS organization Clear identitification of gaps/opportunities for private sector partnership Joint planning Collaboration in implementation, exchange of experiences and visits Clear M&E tools Clear guidelines for financial and narrative reporting
Página: 6Member of: Support: PR and SR Support of Private Sector can facilitate the sucess of project implementation, eg: training in specific areas of expertise where companies have competencies as management/accomplishment of plans/ goals/targets, financial management, communications, advertising, IT
Página: 7Member of: Thank you!