Nights of the Pufflings Vocabulary Theme 4 Grade 3: Theme 4 – Animal Habitats 1.D.1.b – discuss words and word meanings daily as they are encountered in texts, instruction, and conversation L. Menzel 2/23/07
ashore on or to the shore (from the water) The ship came ashore after a long day of sailing.
burrows holes or tunnels dug in the ground by small animals The mole looked out of his burrow because he smelled food.
instinctively Acting on an inner feeling; doing without thinking The baby turtle instinctively hid in his shell until the predator went away.
launching throwing; sending forcefully upward We stood back to watch the launching of our model rockets.
stranded Left in a helpless or difficult position John was stranded on the highway when his car broke down.
uninhabited Having no people living there The uninhabited island is located 5 miles from Maui.
venture to set out to do something even though it might be dangerous The riders grip the handle bars tightly as they venture down the steep rocky hill.